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Could someone please translate that for me? I also read the the treasurer's (resigned) report with interest. Apparently, all those who came before stuffed up big time. I couldn't find all that many numbers, but since most of us are not nearly as smart, it would probably only confuse us. That club room rent, around $400 bucks pa. from memory and those tea bags and instant coffee's along with the biscuits go a long way towards explaining the big hole in the account. Aucklanders have been living it up big time for way too long. Thankfully the executive is frugal and does not claim the 20 cent per km allowance for travel. Since the President has done about 20000km "whilst working with members of the club", that's probably a good thing, too. I know, the treasurer (resigned) would have preferred a $1 per km, which would have been a lot easier to work out. The former treasurer has identified a shortfall in all categories of member subscriptions. He does not mention how much. However, he does recommend to abolish the Christmas event payments. This meeting and getting together has got to stop, it's just too expensive :-). Personally, I am happy to pay a little more for membership if we need it. But if the treasury prefers, I'll just chuck it into the Auckland ice cream container, 'cause they know how to party.I pity the poor soul who showed some initiative and ordered something for the register. Initiative was left out of the action plan on purpose. Well done to mention it in the newsletter.The newsletter looks great in colour. I would not want to go back to b/w. It's a real gravel rider's edition. That's my take on it, I am sure someone will be along shortly to tell me what I should be thinking instead :-).
Why hasn't this forum needs got a “yawn” smiley? Who do we approach about getting that done?These are the real question we need answers to
Why hasn't this forum needs got a "yawn" smiley? Who do we approach about getting that done?These are the real question we need answers to
What no discussion? That's not like you, Colin. But hey, at least you're not bored enough to not respond :-). I am just cracking up because all this good work is being done and people who gave up their time in the past are being blamed for all sorts of things. Isn't it surprising how the register has managed to survive for almost 40 years. The register is being run by volunteers. They all try to do their best, but some realize that it takes more time than they are able or prepared to give. Stuff ups happen, unintentionally, I hope. Personally, I like to keep things simple. I enjoy going to some events and I miss others, depending on how convenient it is at the time. If an Executive can manage to organize the key events, collect membership fees and deal with applications in a timely manner and put out a good newsletter, then all is well. As far as the budget goes, decide on a reserve that people are happy with, make sure we have enough income to keep things going and set the membership fees accordingly. That's pretty much it. So let's see... The Annual Rally was a success, the newsletter and website are humming along, but there seems to be a shortfall in income. So after showing income and expenditure, the treasurer could come to the conclusion that there is a short fall. As a result, we either put the fees up, or spend less money. Simple. Move forward, don't go on about this other stuff, what good will it do. For what it's worth, I don't think we should cut social expenditure, so in this case I vote for an increase in fees. I am sure the executive is interested in feedback, so that was mine.
Not bored Alex, quite the opposite but you've expressed yourself and probably others quite succinctly. If I wrote what I think I imagine boss man Bwusie might have to censor me. I could write to the exec directly but I'm still waiting for a reply to the letter I wrote to them early in December.
Guest05/04/2013 at 6:18 pmPost count: 2134If I wrote what I think I imagine boss man Bwusie might have to censor me.
I do get hoppy-legged sometimes (often), and I do play Devil's Advocate some of the time (most of the time), and sometimes I think I see the Emperor's new clothes, and say so (pretty near all the time).I've always reckoned there were three members of this Forum that sometimes needed muzzling: I still stir, SteveB been known to stir, and there was a Crouching Tiger in West Auckland that has gone quiet in recent years, and I'm not gonna wake him up. The rest of the Forum members are pretty decorous measured against many other motorcycle related Forums.I'm certainly not the boss of anything: I am a person with no interest left in the BMW marque who continues to act as Webmaster/Forum Moderator for BMWOR of NZ (Inc) as a service to a section of the community because so far no other member has stepped up to replace me. I'm still a member of the Register, still a member of this Forum, and I'm the only unfortunate that HAS to read it all because I might be required, one day, to moderate it. I am always reluctant to censor, in any medium - "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" , as Voltaire didn't say, even if everybody attributes it to him.My latest rebuild of the BMWOR website is so far below what it would cost to get one professionally built that its has saved many thousands of dollars. The luxury (?) of having a club website on your own Domain is a good case of where a crook decision by an Executive could lead to a rapid disappearance of reserve dollars. I'm not claiming the current site is great, or even good, but I provided all the functions members of the Executive required, and the only cost was born by me - the time spent teaching myself how to use the software, and a bit of my bandwidth.The Executive is always a disposable item (all or part thereof) at a General Meeting of the Register.I certainly feel free to exercise a right of reply, as do we all who post here.Members wishing to volunteer themselves for my position should contact a member of the Executive, not me. Anybody that does so should do so fully voluntarily, without feeling coerced. I suggest any person volunteering should have a predetermined exit strategy which is agreed to by the Executive, before they begin the task.As soon as somebody has taken over from me I will very happily kill off my access and my membersip of the Forum.And, of course, I will still wave to people riding BMWs on the roads round my new 'hood same as I will to all other bike makes, yea, even down as far as Hardly Dangerouses - we all have three common enemies: gravity, loss of traction and every cage on the roads.
Guest05/04/2013 at 6:28 pmPost count: 2134Why hasn't this forum needs got a "yawn" smiley? Who do we approach about getting that done?These are the real question we need answers to
There may well be some emoticon sets that I could apply to this forum that include "Yawn", but I have found twiddling with Simple Machines Forums is a good, quick, and easy way for me to stuff things up. Then I have to use my own time to fix them again. Apparently in texts (I'm a Luddite who won't do texts so I had to check) you do a yawn thusly:I-O
Guest06/04/2013 at 4:21 amPost count: 2134I could write to the exec directly but I'm still waiting for a reply to the letter I wrote to them early in December.
Here's a surprise for you, Malcolm. I'm with you about correspondence.I think any correspondence to a club should at least be on record, and maybe our Brains Trust could take on board that this should be included in the minutes when they are published. In fact, I'd make a case for a wee note acknowledging or listing correspondence, sent and received, published in each month's Newsletter. Not the substance, if it's merely routine, but just to/from so if a member wants detail they can ask about it. It may well be a piece of mail from a member requires debate at an occasional meeting, or even an electronic conference, but it definitely should not vanish down a black hole without even acknowledging its existence. But, of course, it's not a new phenomenon, and not exclusive to this executive. There have been Newsletters in the past that didn't have the minutes printed, whether that was because the meeting failed to comprise a quorum, or it was a publishing hiccup I don't know, but all of the membership except those present at the venue on the night didn't get a list of correspondence - or any other business. And sometimes stuff like this happens in organisations that are run by volunteers. But the Register should nurture its membership, and acknowledging correspondence from members should be part of that.(I'm too miserable to buy a stamp to tell them so, but the email has just gone to all of them.)
116 views 6 replies, now 7.must be a lot of people either have head in sand or biting their tounges.
Guest06/04/2013 at 9:24 pmPost count: 2134(I'm too miserable to buy a stamp to tell them so, but the email has just gone to all of them.)
And an email replied very soon after saying the concerns Malcolm raised in his correspondence were addressed in this month's Newsletter.Well, Bwucie, that'll learn you not to get involved in "I said, he said."C'mon, somebody contact the Executive and say they want my job...........................I'm gonna go outside, now, and hug my Suzuki.
Yes they were Bruce, however a reply to my mail would have been the polite thing to do but clearly I expect too much.
Why hasn't this forum needs got a "yawn" smiley? Who do we approach about getting that done?These are the real question we need answers to
There may well be some emoticon sets that I could apply to this forum that include "Yawn", but I have found twiddling with Simple Machines Forums is a good, quick, and easy way for me to stuff things up. Then I have to use my own time to fix them again. Apparently in texts (I'm a Luddite who won't do texts so I had to check) you do a yawn thusly:I-O
Now thats some real progress 8) Cheers for that Bruce. I shall use this knowledge wisely 😉
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