Home › Forums › Rides Calendar › Pick-a-Nick @ Mahurangi Regional Park, Sun 20 Mar 11
Guest23/02/2011 at 2:10 amPost count: 2134Leaving Starbucks, Westgate at 1000 hrs.Pick-a-nick at Mahurangi Regional Park: those that don't want to eat sarnies under a Pohutukawa tree may well decide to stop short of the park at the Great Dessert Co.
Inactive19/03/2011 at 7:15 amPost count: 305Tomorrow is new-tyre-scrubbing day (again). I would love to join in if it's open to chook-chasers with slippery, greasy front tyres.
Guest19/03/2011 at 10:49 amPost count: 2134Tomorrow is new-tyre-scrubbing day (again). I would love to join in if it's open to chook-chasers with slippery, greasy front tyres.
We call them "bait" for cameras, Dave, I'm sure you're welcome.
Guest20/03/2011 at 8:01 amPost count: 2134Gotta thank DTY for leading the main mob over the first leg while the Librarian and I were mentoring Nel the Newbie. Then I gotta thank Rob for taking over and leading (for the rest of the day) from the end of Peak Rd, after he realised he was at the wrong start point. 😮 Today the RIC hat stood for Really Interesting Correction, 'cos he musta been boogeying between BP Dairy Flat and Peak Rd.Nel started her day by dropping her 250 on its side before I got to Grey Lynn to accompany her: I don't think it made her feel a lot better when one by one the rest of us told her we all do it from time to time. She probably now thinks she has adopted the wrong group to learn off while she's starting out. ??? As part of the after effects of the tumble, her little 250 got the loose mirror syndrome. I was just about to take off my pillion cover and the seat to get at my tools after lunch when DTY did a McGyver and fixed it for her. Are the no ends to the man's talents; on the fly photographer, bike repairman, and we discovered today that he can ride a bike in Spanish as well as in English? He's ambidextrous, multi lingual and quick. It's just a shame he's not good looking like me. ;DThanks also to Richard, for again doing TEC
Inactive20/03/2011 at 8:29 amPost count: 60I think my cap should stand for Read Instructions Carefully today. I checked twice to make sure I had the start time correct (getting sick of being called Justin) but then I didn't read the bit about where to go ! But I was there 10 mins early Bwucie ;D At least I didn't head off to BP Papakura. It was a lovely Autumn day for a casual ride through some very pleasant countryside and Mahurangi Regional Park looked stunning, quite a contrast to the last time we visited. While most found a spot to sit in the shade and enjoy some picnic goodies, those of us who had seen Bwucie in his speedos before, headed off back to the Great Desert Company before suffering the experience for a second time. The service was just as friendly, the coffee just as good and the food just as delicious as the last time we were there. The ice-cream at 40 Flavours was up to usual standard as well. Thanks for another great day Bwucie 🙂
Inactive20/03/2011 at 9:11 amPost count: 182Yet another beautiful Sunday in the God Zone…..although it didn't start out too good for Babzee as she woke up with a crook back which put a spanner in the works for the Pic a nic ride.After much discussion it was decided that I would go and make the ride,have a coffee and come straight back as it was virtually just up the road.Which, as it happened is exactly what I did.I never tire of the journey North from Orewa out through Hatfields beach up towards the Puhoi pub and beyond,and the veiw out across the water as we dropped down towards Sullivans Bay today was absolutely stunning.Many thanks Bwucie for returning our pyrex dish,if only you knew how hard it was for me to leave that dish behind full of my favourite Tiramasu dessert the last time we met.........I only hope it was enjoyed by the crew who carved it up the next day........Many thanks to Youn Jim for lending me the Bungee net that secured it tightly onto the bike rack so I could transport it back to culinary headquarters safely, (I promise I will return said net on our next meeting,which will hopefully be next Sunday)Passing the turn off for the Puhoi pub without hitting the right hand indicator was a new experience for me,hopefully one I wont have to repeat too often,however the day didn't end too badly as the Red Barron saved me from an alchohol free day by inviting me to join him and his bairn for a beer at one of my local hostels later on...Good on yer mate....The day was finished off nicely
Yes a great relaxing ride today to somewhere I hadnt been before 8) ( I try not to ride much to the north in case I get to like it ) but as 90% of Auckland also chooses to take their cages up there as well, it may take a long time !!! ::)Many thanks to DTY, Richard and Rob for their respective rolls on a very enjoyable day, and of course "Speedo" man for organising it all ;D
Inactive22/03/2011 at 1:42 amPost count: 305Another beautiful day! (Una otra dia bonita!)I keep thinking that surely THIS WEEKEND will be the last good one for the summer, but then it's followed by another. I've been in NZ for 6 years, and this is the best summer I can remember. Great to see everyone, and great to practice my Spanish with Nel. Our patch of grass was temporarily home to Bwucie, the nearly-naked motorbiking mentor! Though I didn't go in, all indications were that the water was pretty cold!
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