Home Forums Rides Calendar Overnighter to Whangamomona Pub – Sat 9 July 2011

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  • aegis4805
    Post count: 267

    Hi – I'm planning an overnigther leaving Wellington AM Sat 9 July bound for Whangamomona on the Forgotten World Highway between Taumarunui and Stratford – a favourite ride of mine – was through with my son as pillion a fortnight ago.Expect weather to be wet for some of the ride - minimal gravel in the gorge - typically well 'swept'Any hardy souls interested? This is the kind of riding  Beemers were made for IMO 🙂At this stage the pub tell me there is one double and three twin rooms available - I'm happy to share a twin with someone.Cheers Stephen O aka Aslan - PS respond to thread or PM me if interested - if no one else is interested I'll probably stop at the Convent at Jersualem on the River Road instead.

    Post count: 102

    Hi StephenI could be interested. I live in National Park and I’m always up for a ride. What is your plan once you get to Taumarunui? I know the roads up this way fairly well and if you’ve got the time and the inclination I could show you some of the local back roads both sealed and gravel depending on your preference.CheersNeil

    Post count: 267

    Hi Neil – thanks for your reply – I'm open to ideas as to travelling from National Parl or Taumarunui to Whangamomona – I can meet you at National Park around noon on the Saturday if you're interested.Suggest we need to make our intentions clear to the pub sooner rather than later if we're after a bed for the Saturday night. As to Sunday I'm relaxed about whether I head out to Stratford or double back to Mt Damper and out to Urenui via Kiwi Road.Welcome your comments / ideas - cheers Stephen

    Post count: 102

    NeilHi StephenAs I have done the Forgotten Highway many times I was thinking more of meeting you in Taumarunui on the Sunday and maybe we can do this ride; http://bmwor.org.nz/forum/index.php/topic,2237.0.html  which takes about 2.5 – 3hrs from Taumarunui to National Park. What do you think?CheersNeil

    Post count: 267

    Hi Neil – sounds good – obviously I'll be committed irrespective of the weather since I'll be heading home after riding your loop with you.Does a 10am meet and depart from the BP Taumarunui on Sunday 10/7 work for you? Cheers Stephen

    Post count: 102

    Hi Stephen,Sounds good to me. Have sent you a personal message re details.CheersNeil

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