Home Forums Ride Reports North Island RAG Rally

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  • Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    After a long hot summer a pessimist might have been sure it would rain for the RAG rally and the weather forecast a few days prior was beginning to look as though it might.  However from the northern approaches it certainly stayed fine and I didn’t hear any complaints from the other points of the compass either.Not a large gathering this year possibly because of a couple of tempting offers that were on offer at the same time.  However with 31 names on the list plus Clifford’s three girls there were enough happy campers to make the dinning room buzz and the task of preparing the veggies a snip (or a peel if you like).  Well done to the peelers and choppers and especially to Clifford’s technicians: Margaret from Hawkes Bay, Cathy from Palmy, Virginia from Wellywood and Jean the Jafa who chopped and boiled and roasted the usual array of vegetables to perfection.As the meal was winding down Rob our president took a few minutes to express our thanks to Clifford and the helpers.  He then presented the Ooops Trophy to the latest recipient the lucky man being Neil Walsh who was along on his Adventure again after some time out.  Well done Neil good to see you back on the wheels.After the meal the wine kept flowing as we sat and chatted in the warmth of the big log fire which some found to be too hot on this unusually mild evening.  It is always good to catch up with old friends and acquaintances again and pick up on what has been happening around the country.We left early for a relaxing ride through to Okaroire to meet up with some "cool" dudes from Auckland and the Bay of Plenty who we knew were planning to be there for lunch.  Then homeward bound through the back roads of the Waikato before picking up the expressway and the northern motorway.Thanks all for contributing to our lovely weekend once again.Malcolm and Jean

    Post count: 280

    31 names on the list sounds good. We had 11 at the Wellington overnighter; but it worked.

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