Home Forums General Discussion Newbie signs up – with the obligitary couple of questions

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  • bpchangnz
    Post count: 2


    I've taken the plunge to buy a K100RS and will - if all goes to plan - be collecting it next week.

    The return journey is via the InterIslander ferry; not only am I a BMW newbie, I'm a ferry newbie too. I'd like to do a few trips to the SI so what should I be looking for in terms of straps/tie downs to get beforehand?

    Also, I'm keen on arranging insurance via formal membership of this august club 😉 though it's a bit chicken and egg 🙁 I need to own the bike to join the club to get club rate insurance - but I need to get the insurance to get the bike.

    Can anyone help with these conundrums?

    Many thanks,

    Arne Rohde
    Post count: 436
    cm4233 wrote:
    Also, I’m keen on arranging insurance via formal membership of this august club 😉 though it’s a bit chicken and egg 🙁 I need to own the bike to join the club to get club rate insurance – but I need to get the insurance to get the bike.

    Welcome to the board, Scott.

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you can join the BMWOR club without owning a BMW bike. But without voting rights. Whether this membership then gets you club rate insurance or not, probably only the insurance company can answer, but since the insurance is for a BMW bike I can't see why they shouldn't.

    There are supposed to be tie downs available on the ferry, but bringing your own can still be recommended. The NZ-made Aerofast are some of the best available, at least of the ones I've used for transporting bikes.

    Regards, Arne
    Post count: 151

    You will be an associated member if you don’t own a BMW motorcycle.
    But since you will own one shortly, you may be able to join the club as a full member.
    You'd better ask the membership secretary. (send an email to membership@bmwor.org.nz)
    You can sign up and pay the membership fee on-line.

    Post count: 487


    Talk to Keith at John Baker Insurance 0800 656264. If you're buying the K100 privately, he'll arrange insurance for you at BMWOR rate if you're buying a BMW and you have the appropriate application ready for membership. Of course, if you're buying from a dealer, particulalry Henry at Experiance, they can organise JB insurance and membership at the same time.

    Associate membership with BMWOR does get you insurance benefits.


    Post count: 2

    Spoken to Keith @JB – quoted and ready to go for Friday


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