Home Forums General Discussion New Wunderlich Lights

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    Post count: 67

    Just fitted some new lights.  They're really good, too good in fact. Dazzling is a bit of a problem, The plan was to dip them right down but they're still too bright for riding lights. Does anyone know of some sort of filter I can put over the top of the lens? They're 55w Halogens so get hot. The lights are housed in an aluminium carrier so I could fabricate a cover fairly easily, just need a filter of some sort.Any suggestions welcome, (other than 'take them off').

    Post count: 289

    Possibly a dimmer (not sure if it would work with halogens) or maybe a tint of some sort, just a film over them?

    Post count: 67

    Mmm a dimmer, hadn't thought of that, will let you know how it goes.  Might be allowed to bring it inside if it's got mood lighting 😉

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