Home Forums General Discussion New scooter on the way

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  • Robin
    Post count: 280
    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Hmmmm, are you going to order one Dave? seriously though will you be in Taupo next month.  🙂

    Post count: 487

    It'd take him a month to get to Taupo  😆

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    A month on the road right now sounds like serious fun don't you thinks Garry, we're finally getting some sun without rain and wind. 

    Post count: 487

    Certainly, and that's just what a some of us GSers are looking forward to in November – well three weeks and off-road mainly – but close enough  😎45 days and counting  😀

    Post count: 280

    Yes. Bring the Criuser Mal. I could do a month on the road just as long as there are no head winds!

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    I'm planning to Dave, we were away two weekends ago up to the HOkianga the weekend the strong gales started.  We were thinking of taking the car but decided to take the GS instead – good move.  Talk about blow  😡 no matter we stayed upright and had a great time and are now looking forward to giving the C a work out in a couple of weeks.  By the way I picked up a good set of mufflers from Gordon Lyndsay (member Christchurch) so will have a play with the rusty ones to see if they can be made to play a better tune  👿

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