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I have to say it looks great. It has come a long way and it is also good to see all the advertising in there. That doesn't just happen on its own.I've picked up on the interesting comment by the President on the bricks. He doesn't want people to throw them, but use them to build something constructive. That's a good point, but on the other hand, if there are going to be any bricks, its only because of the demolition work that has gone on before. I'd say, leave those bricks alone, they've held the place up very well up to now. But that's just my opinion. Let's hear what others have to say.
Hi AlexYes the newsletter looks good but they keep saying only an extra 8 cents a copy ,but I think its an extra 8 cents a page ,I bet when it was black and white it only cost 8 cents a page as well so the newsletter price has most probaly doubled.As for moving the AGM to Palmerston North( Dumb idea ) as its not really central and I think numbers will go down for this event , this should have been brought up at the Agm before moving it .Looks to me like the executive want to make there ideas work without members having a say.
Guest02/04/2012 at 9:05 amPost count: 2134And so the big, giant conspiracy theory gathered way for it's inexorable march across the massed ranks of the BMW Owners Register. Bigger than the Lizard that ate Tokyo, and twice as scary…………………..Never let the truth spoil a good story.
Inactive03/04/2012 at 8:31 amPost count: 52Taupo may be the centre of the NI but Palmerston North is closer to the centre of NZ!! But then that is easy for me to say coming from PN.
they keep saying only an extra 8 cents a copy ,but I think its an extra 8 cents a page ,I bet when it was black and white it only cost 8 cents a page as well so the newsletter price has most probaly doubled.
Darryl, not sure how you've worked this out, however, to put it to bed; it's not 8 cents a page; black and white publication wasn't 8 cents a page either; the difference in print cost between the B&W newsletter and the colour newsletter is 8 cents per copy.Glad you like it too.Garry (aka "they") 😉
Guest04/04/2012 at 3:28 amPost count: 2134Garry (aka “they”)
Now that's just asking for some Geordie git like YoungJim to greet you poetically with the whole bit, that is."Why-aye, way-hey, they, ya buggar!"
Inactive04/04/2012 at 4:48 amPost count: 102Taupo may be the centre of the NI but Palmerston North is closer to the centre of NZ!! But then that is easy for me to say coming from PN.
I agree with Robin. I live in National Park and don't mind having to travel an extra hour to Palmerston North. I wouldn't care if the AGM were held in Wellington if it meant that it might encourage more members form the South Is. to attend.
Hi AlexYes the newsletter looks good but they keep saying only an extra 8 cents a copy ,but I think its an extra 8 cents a page ,I bet when it was black and white it only cost 8 cents a page as well so the newsletter price has most probaly doubled.As for moving the AGM to Palmerston North( Dumb idea ) as its not really central and I think numbers will go down for this event , this should have been brought up at the Agm before moving it .Looks to me like the executive want to make there ideas work without members having a say.
I have it on good authourity that the monthly circulation on the newsletter is around 600 copies so we are looking at a total monthly increase of printing costs of around $40. I for one think its $40 well sent. Good on the executive for this bold move!
Garry (aka "they")
Now that's just asking for some Geordie git like YoungJim to greet you poetically with the whole bit, that is."Why-aye, way-hey, they, ya buggar!"
Bwucie, you and Jim will have to translate for me...........?!
Well I live in Whangarei and it will be an xtra 200kms from taupo and I do go to the AGM, I doubt it will encourage members from the sth Island to attend but it might stop me turning up.
Inactive04/04/2012 at 7:43 pmPost count: 102Fair call Darryl and it would be a shame if you decided not to attend the AGM because of the extra distance but for me personally I like to find any excuse to go for a ride :)!
I like to find any excuse to go for a ride :)!
I'm with you there 🙂
Guest05/04/2012 at 4:02 amPost count: 2134I very well may not go home straight after the meeting, after the ride down the extra 200Kms.Then again, if the weather looks nice, and if the DL's lights turn out to be better than the eleven-hundy-esse's pathetic glow-worms, I might.
I prefer Taupo myself. Palmerston North has marginally more going for it than Palmerston. Plus the new destination deprives Wellingtonians a few extra k's of riding. However, whether I not attend the Taupo one or the Palmerston North one makes very little difference :-[. I must apologize for missing the RAG, though, I was looking forward to that. The next Rally at National Park is also pretty cool. That's worth taking the Airhead down for.
Inactive09/04/2012 at 1:17 amPost count: 52I prefer Taupo myself. Palmerston North has marginally more going for it than Palmerston.
Now there's a great idea. Why not alternate years - Palmerston North/Palmerston (Otago). Currently living in the Manawatu and originally from Otago I would be more than happy to have an excuse to take the bike across the ditch.
Guest10/04/2012 at 8:34 amPost count: 2134Now there's a great idea. Why not alternate years – Palmerston North/Palmerston (Otago). Currently living in the Manawatu and originally from Otago
I never realised, Robin: do you shave out the middle part of your mono-brow? (I'm being facetious and overly harsh - I know he can't be a Hillbilly, 'cos he's got a Hackintosh Eyepad.)The big club for Bikers Over Forty tends to get around the country a lot for their AGM, have done so for yonks, and a very successful idea it is for them, too. But of course they are not afflicted with our "quaint" Committee structure, which tends to bind members' thinking to the geographically familiar, it would seem.
Inactive10/04/2012 at 10:08 pmPost count: 88The “big club for Bikers Over Forty” do indeed get about the country a bit for AGMs. The idea is to alternate between the North and South Islands. To be fair the AGM itself is an hour (or so) interlude in a series of festivities that begin with lunch on a Friday through to a free(ish) breakfast on a Sunday. I suspect that it is the festivities rather than the meeting that brings the ole farts together. 🙂Kennif
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