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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 84

    Finally made it!…am now the delighted owner of a 1997 K1100LT.  It's taken a little over 50 years to graduate from a 150cc Lambretta via  400 Suzuki and Honda, and latterly a rejuvenated CBX 550.  In 'retirement', driving an 18m 'bendy' Mercedes bus and my K1100 each working day is welcome relief from driving a corporate desk in an earlier life and a Fergy tractor in more recent years.  The exhaust decibels of the CBX 550 in the retirement village where my wife & I live was a challenge to hold back and even attracted the name of 'Village hoon', but the purr of the K1100 has changed all that.  Now some wealthy widows want to ride pillion!  Am looking forward to joining some of the rides and meetings, sans wealthy widows. [my LT has only a single seat]

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Welcome Bryan, and we look forward to meeting you on some club rides. Jim

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Welcome Bryan we're looking forward to meeting you.

    Post count: 280

    Welcome aboard too. Hope to see you at the Taupo AGM.

    Post count: 400

    Welcome. Never too old, never too old!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

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