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Is the New Home page temporary or is this it. I liked the RSS feeds for the latest disscusions.boGSer
Guest11/03/2012 at 2:01 amPost count: 2134Better bookmark the news feeds then. I honestly don't know where we are going to end up with this. At the moment we are exploring the zero dollar option to fix some problems, without spending more member dollars.More to follow - I'm too busy spending my time trying to fix immediate problems to say more now.
Guest11/03/2012 at 5:28 amPost count: 2134Is the New Home page temporary or is this it. I liked the RSS feeds for the latest disscusions.boGSer
Apologies for the peremptory response earlier. :-[For a whole bunch of reasons, most of them precipitated by the change of personnel after the last AGM, a lot of work needed to be done to our website. (This has not a lot to do with the previous Executive, or the current one, but more to do with the site having been cobbled together on an ad hoc basis to fit with what folk needed to do with it. Change the people, change the circumstances, problem time.)The Shop is still crippled, and the Membership area is now back up, but limping just as much as it did before. I have the shop (and payment for events) very high on my list of urgent things to do, but I need input from elsewhere (expected shortly) to get cracking on them.The plain vanilla look is my fault, and if you all lobby the Executive and complain about it, I will just have to flick back to the older files when they tell me to. One of the things I have tried to achieve is to get information about the Register presented to the world with a minimum of javascript and other bells and whistles, in pages that will be reasonably viewable in the increasingly popular, smaller, hand-held gadgets folk use for browsing, and in a text size that the Librarian (f'rinstance) doesn't leave nostril marks on the monitor from having to nearly climb inside it to read. Yes, I know CTRL and + will fix that, but my wife and thousands of others don't, and if you had tried it on some pages of the old site you would have run into problems with columns overflowing and getting obscured.The alternative to my efforts was to go out and spend a similar amount of the BMWOR members' money on a professional job to what was spent last time around.I'm waiting for the reaction from the masses, no doubt the Executive will be listening as well. I understand your point about the RSS feeds on the previous frontpage, and I appreciate that some folk came into the Forum on a regular basis via that channel. To be honest, apart from checking that the site was functioning, and that not every day, I normally start from this page: http://bmwor.org.nz/forum/index.php?action=recentI haven't had time to think through the news feeds yet: logically I would put them in the left column of the homepage, except I used that to get the discount info right in front of members (to save myself answering all the emails about, "Where do I find?" 😀 )The "News" tab on the frontpage menu is (at this point) still pointing at Garry's Blogger feed.Nobody likes change, the older we get, the less we like it. After the hours I've put into thunking and writing on this one, I feel seriously old! I can only assure anybody that wants to comment, request, report broken links, offer to assist, we're listening. Of course, if you want to be critical (which the question about the RSS feeds was not), then talk to my hand, 'cos my face isn't listening. 8)
Maybe they've spent all the money on the colour newsletter and have none left for the website. It would be interesting to find out if the website has had an impact on membership numbers. Perhaps we should include a “how have you found out about us” section on the membership form.
Guest11/03/2012 at 7:27 amPost count: 2134There isn't actually a lot of traffic through the site at all, overwhelmingly it is the Forum generates the traffic, and it's a few of us prolix types that generate most of that.I have added some keywords today, so mebbe search engines will find us a bit more: we would still have to get a lot more members to justify spending a grand a year for design work.And I don't want to spend any more time in the next week on membership forms!
Maybe we should just can most of the website and have a basic intro page with a few links like we used to have. I hardly ever go to the main website. I am only interested in the forum. I guess most people would do the same.
Have to agree with Alex, the only thing I look at is the forum, the rest is too hard for an old codger like me , I don't even know what an RSS feed is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guest11/03/2012 at 3:28 pmPost count: 2134Maybe we should just can most of the website and have a basic intro page with a few links like we used to have. I hardly ever go to the main website. I am only interested in the forum. I guess most people would do the same.
Well, I thought that was pretty much what I'd done, Alex?
Maybe they've spent all the money on the colour newsletter and have none left for the website.
Yep, that's it Alex, 8 cents extra per copy of the newsletter has broken the bank 😛Need to face a few realities here, our target market is small, and relatively stable and having the jazziest website isn't going to double our membership, attract new members or sell much more gear. Like you, most people end up as forum fodder so a plain, vanilla look for the main site with basic info, a shop for some gear and that enables people to update their membership details is fine by me; and much easier to manage in-house. To do anything otherwise is going to get very expensive.I for one am grateful to Bruce for giving this a shot.
Maybe we should just can most of the website and have a basic intro page with a few links like we used to have. I hardly ever go to the main website. I am only interested in the forum. I guess most people would do the same.
Well, I thought that was pretty much what I'd done, Alex?
yes you have, but I thought it was only temporary.
Yep, that's it Alex, 8 cents extra per copy of the newsletter has broken the bank(/quote ]I could see that coming ;D
Better bookmark the news feeds then. I honestly don't know where we are going to end up with this. At the moment we are exploring the zero dollar option to fix some problems, without spending more member dollars.More to follow - I'm too busy spending my time trying to fix immediate problems to say more now.
Bwucie I appreciated the work that you do on behalf of the register but after reading the latest newsletter it sounds like you are doing more than your fair share. Wasn't your initial sign up to do maintenance and moderator sounds like you have gone way beyond the bounds of the original brief.You get my vote to throw some money at it.My remark was about the RSS feeds which means you can see the latest discussions without having to go to the Forum pageboGSer
I like what bruce has done. I think you need to put the newsletter up sooner though as the next one is nearly out by the time you have put it up
Guest12/03/2012 at 5:00 amPost count: 2134My remark was about the RSS feeds which means you can see the latest discussions without having to go to the Forum page
Garry will vouch I have always intended to continue news feeds, the problem is working out how/where to put them.And the thing with RSS links is you can subscribe to them, so your news reader/aggregator will gather the updates for you, without you having to go looking at all. Internet Explorer and Firefox have integrated feed readers Opera, I think has a plugin. Thunderbird has a news reader plugin, I don't know about Microsoft mail clients because I haven't used them for years. Google have a news reader (I am a Nat. Geographics junkie, I use Google to track a couple of their feeds as well as my monthly magazine, which I still pay for 'cos it's easier to take to the small "office" with me.) And for Windahs users there are a bumzillion free stand alone apps to aggregate news feeds.(And I meant to say earlier but forgot, Google Chrome Browser can't handle news feeds at all! You have to use their branded Reader gadget on a Google web page)Not this week, but very soon you will see the familiar little red buttons appearing.
Opera, I think has a plugin.
In Opera the RSS reader is built-in, as part of the Mail package. It's not a plugin. I have mine set for 11 different RSS feeds, including BMWOR forums.There's still a link to RSS, at the bottom of the forums page. Together with XHTML and WAP2 links. The RSS link lets you subscribe to the RSS feed for forum posts.Unfortunately when there are long quotes at the start of postings you need to go to the forum to read the actual post, as all you'll see in the RSS feed are the quotes.
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