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  • 2bjr
    Post count: 400
    Post count: 400

    If some one can assist me.
    adventuretharon is the name on photobucket.
    Thx 😀

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Thanks for the great photos. When you copy the image location on photobucket, copy only from and including http to and including .jpg.

    In the text editor of this website click on the Img tag above once and the paste the image location. The click one more time on the img tag. You will notice that it now has an askerix before it *img. Now click on preview to check that it has worked.

    Have another look at the picture post above by clicking on the edit button. You'll then be able to see what it's supposed to look like.

    The photos are very interesting. Where were they taken. I may have to move to South Africa.

    Post count: 400

    Photo 1-On the way to Cape Town on the official Bmw 10 days wailwatch tour, Between Paarl and Cape town.

    Photo2-Between Bredarsdorp and Witsand at Malagas on the Breeriver.

    Photo3-Chapmenspeak pass at Houtbaai. Western Cape.

    Photo4-Oudshoorn.Swartberg pass to the "Hell"

    Photo5-Matjesfontein in the Great Karoo.

    Photo6-Arniston habour, Western Cape.

    More photo's at http://www.enjoyrides.co.za

    Post count: 400

    We are in New Zealand now. Received my bike. All is dandy.

    See you all on the road.

    Safe biking!!!! 😀

    Post count: 400

    I Hope everybody was reading the news letter about the whale watch tour. (August 2006, page 4).The photos on the forum was taken during the tour. 😮https://www.bmwmc.nz/upload/8.%20August%20Newsletter.pdf

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