Home Forums General Discussion New ACC Levies

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  • Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    BRONZ doesn't have a presence in Wellington, where most of the legislative work takes place. There's a real opportunity to get in front of the policy makers down here. I put my hand up once to co-ordinate things for them – stony silence from that end.

    Got this from KiwibikerNext BRONZ (Auckland ) meeting is 21st Oct.7:30 pm . Rockridge Road, Penrose.Place is called the Danish House. Parking out front.Major agenda item will , of course, be ACC levies, and possible responses to them. It'd be nice to see a few more than the half dozen stalwarts there. But I'm not holding my breath.If there is a good attendance, the Chairman will be enforcing rather more of a formal meeting process than usual, just to stop things getting out of hands.A few ground rules for said meeting may as well be played through now:1. We all know it's evil and unfair. No point preaching to the choir. So, no speeches along those lines. (Just because of time constraints) 2. We all know that bike accidents are caused by cagers. Or not. So unless you have evidence none of us know about, again, no preaching to the choir.3. Personally, I'm receptive to direct action. But some degree of realism is required. So no explosives etc4. What IS required is reasons WHY we shouldn't pay what ACC *claim* we cost. Factual. Specific. So if you know something, or you are good at crunching statistics, that might be useful.5. If it does come to something formal, only financial paid up BRONZ members get to vote (though I wouldn't expect such formality).6. We aren't going to convince the Government to abolish ACC, or totally change the way it operates. Politics is the art of the possible. So the chairman will cut short any discussions along such lines. Which includes philosophical debate on whether ACC should be privatised or not. The chairman (I'm told) is a grumpy old cunt. Try not to rile him too much. BRONZ (Wellington) does not exist . So if anyone can volunteer to coordinate matters in the capital, that might be good.

    Post count: 96

    As Garry suggested, what can BRONZ ever hope to achieve if they are not represented in Wellington, regardless of how much of a “grumpy old cunt” the chairman is.Alex, in my opinion, the only reasonable form direct action that politicians understand in this day and age, is to hit them in their budgets, then let them explain about funding deficits to the bean counters.... and if ACC want to move to a fully funded model, why don't cigarettes attract an ACC levy?

    Post count: 2134

    The best idea is ACC levy should be added to the fuel cost or mileage you cover like diesel is. This can be easily policed by a GPS chip in your registration sticker.All sports should have an ACC levy of $10.00 per person per game and must be paid before you can play. Why should a boxer get ACC for his sport.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    This can be easily policed by a GPS chip in your registration sticker.

    So you've changed your mind on personal freedom?

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    The easiest way to fix it is if we pledge our vote to Rodney Hide, he seems to have the right idea :-). That's the only language politicians understand, vote or no vote. That's also how democracy works.

    Post count: 305

    This can be easily policed by a GPS chip in your registration sticker.

    So you've changed your mind on personal freedom?

    It's so the Westpac chopper can find him

    Post count: 267

    NO No Koko, not Rodney  😮 He feels the Government havent gone far enough. Its the Maori party to the rescue  😀I knew that Treaty thing would payoff one day  😀

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Alright then, lets vote for the Maori party  😀

    Post count: 2134

    This can be easily policed by a GPS chip in your registration sticker.

    So you've changed your mind on personal freedom?

    Personal freedom is still there no rights have been lost  😀

    Post count: 2134

    This can be easily policed by a GPS chip in your registration sticker.

    So you've changed your mind on personal freedom?

    It's so the Westpac chopper can find him

    And Alex we know how to get some where quick and free 🙄

    Post count: 90

    Good idea, Alex. Y'know I'm pretty sure that deep down I am in fact Ngati Te Atatu, and my whakapapa is from that place of my upbringing, so I could get a vote.And second: an educated guess would be that our friends on the Treasury benches (and Nick Smith (Dr.)) have not thought of the issue of rider miles and its relationship to levies... it works for diesel taxes. I say put higher levies on those young buggars... they are always getting hurt and us old buggars who are very careful should not be penalised such. We could also add that we need 600+ cc  bikes to get away from dangerous and possibly injurious situations so we should be in fact paying lower rates than the 50cc clowns. And what about idiots who don't wear helmets getting to pay for their care, instead of all of us having to do it ( through our no-fault) ACC levies?Many points to consider.

    Post count: 267

    Ah no, sorry. Not the young buggers at all. Middle aged men are the worst statistic. Yep thats us (well technically I am past middle age but wont admit it).Ever been on a group ride with a bunch of older guys, you know the types, bussiness men, accountants, self employed, ex law enforcement personal, etc and suddenly realised you are travelling at 130 plus  😕Its no use blaming every urban myth for our problems (cage drivers cause all the accidents etc) and accept that we are a high risk group. The only risk that I can manage is my own so no use bleating about "THEM" who are the problem. A bit like looking for that Chinese guy who causes all the worlds problems  😮 That said we need to ensure that ACC is based on a fair system. Why should those lucky enough to own more than one vehicle pay more than one lot of ACC? I cant drive my car and ride my bike at the same time. Just dont have enough arms and arseholes to do it.Licence based ACC levies? Based on the classes of licence. Factor into this years held, driving record age etc. Ok its not as simple as registration but a lot fairer.  😀

    Post count: 2134

    At least it appears there is a consensus on one point: not riding is not on the agenda.I have been considering economies I can put in place to account for the gap the proposed levies for my bike and Jean's two scoots will create in our household budget.Turns out that if I give up drinking 2.4 times that will cover it.  Guess I will have to look further.

    Tim BLAKE
    Post count: 40

    When we can't afford to register our bikes next year – track days could become an interesting riding alternative. Even for the GSAs[img]http://[/img][img]http://GSA scratching[/img]4027911127_6a8807a761_o.jpg

    Post count: 305

    Yeah, I'm considering taking one of the bikes off the road.  Hmm, which one…This is a shot of me on my way to the AGM last Saturday4028121411_992c6459c1_b.jpg

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