Home Forums Forum Related Moved: Reply To: Changes to Forum.

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  • Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    The new BMWOR Website is up and running. No decisions have been made about ‘dumping’ the previous forums. The program that ran the old forums could not be transferred across fully and as a result the previous Avatars could not be moved. The only area that has been ‘tidied up’ is the ‘Wanted to Buy or Sell’ forum. I can’t see the point of keeping historic advertisements were items have been sold but the ad not deleted. I have cleaned that forum up so that only the last 2 years of ads are presently showing.

    I’m meeting with the Nettl Team again on Wednesday but have already found that the previous data for individual ‘log in’ to access the forum/s does not work. That may mean that new registrations are required, but I’ll find out on Wednesday.

    There has been some discussion about leaving the forums open to be read by anyone, but that only Owner Register Members (who register for the Forum) can write to them. It is likely that if a person leaves the Owners Register that their access to the forums is also removed.

    This is early days for the new Website and there will be a settling in time required as issues arise. Questions, suggestions and inquiries are always welcomed.

    Dave ROSS – Secretary.

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