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Guest18/10/2010 at 8:01 amPost count: 213414 Nov 10, leaving Papakura BP at 0930.Lunch at the Lily Pad Cafe, 1242 Kaipaki Road, Cambridge.Nice gardens:
Nice, er, uniforms:
Inactive10/11/2010 at 10:17 amPost count: 2This a challenge and invitation to the the female partner of Team Foley.Hello there Wendy3 i challenge you to ride your bike for this run on Sunday providing of course that the weather is good.See you 😀 🙂
Inactive15/11/2010 at 4:23 amPost count: 128Another great run Bwucie. We thoroughly enjoyed the day – terrific roads, food and company. Special mention to Mr Kokopelli for adjusting the preload on Enzo at half time. The little tweak certainly paid dividends on the run home. Reckon I could have turned inside Valentino at pace! Yeah, ok a little over the top with that last comment but definitely a huge improvement with handling. Also big thanks to Rob on the cruiser for taking care of the TEC duties.Cheers guys, much appreciated. Herr and Frau Baron ;D ;D ;D ;D
Inactive15/11/2010 at 7:13 amPost count: 182Many thanks to everyone for making us clingons feel very welcome on Sunday,Babzee was a little less fatigooed than she was after last weeks Marathon run to Raglan and when she got home and didn't run straight for a hot bath and a snooze I thought that was a good sign for the future,I on the other hand found myself completley rooted after battling with the wind (steady on Matron) (I'm talking the blustery stuff here)on the way back home on the Motorway.The Surgeon who cut Mr Mole out of my right leg on Friday said I wouldn't be able to ride on Sunday,(he was wrong) mind you he said I could play the Guitar as long as I sat down,(he was wrong there too) Ha Ha ::)All in all a very enjoyable day,I dont think we will ever make a good Quior though judging by the birthday song (I include my own barritone attempt here too)Babzee will not be attending next week,after confering with group leader Von Brucerling I have stood her down,however the jump seat will be occupied by her 22 year old blue eyed blonde haired twin sister (who is a little dainter on her feet shall we say)(I can say all this stuff here cuz her in doors is never going to read it)So all you budding wealthy batchelors out there in the high earning income bracket, with your own house and a batch by the sea,polish up your boots and follow the pink jacket to the bar,this is your chance to practice your chat up lines. I look forward to vetting you all personally,please bring a current bank statement and a photo of the Batch....Thanks again Bwucie for picking a route to Cambridge that I will probably enjoy again and again and again for the first time on future occasions.....Dysmapsia is a wonderful thing.See you all next weekRegardsRincewind ;D
Inactive17/11/2010 at 7:50 amPost count: 60A very enjoyable ride, thanks Bwucie and fellow riders. The Lily Pad is a very interesting place and I was equally impressed with both the food and prompt service. After deciding to head straight home once on the expressway, I started thinking about Young Jim having his icecream at Pokeno and decided that I needed one also. So I ducked into the gas station at Pokeno while the main bunch headed through on their way to Twisted Sister, and then I shot across the road for an icecream As chance would have it, Young Jim asked me to hold his icecream while he took his jacket off and I got to eat half of his as well. An excellent day out once again.
Guest21/11/2010 at 8:51 amPost count: 2134At last, Wendy's pix.Prestart:Mrs Red Baron's blondie twin: looks just like Kerry, except the hair.
The Librarian.
Birthday girl, Barbara (Mrs Rincewind).
Rincewind, a.k.a. Dave.
Do they really think the US border people are going to let these fairies in next year to ride Route 66?
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