Home › Forums › Rides Calendar › Longish ride on shortish day. Whakatane, 26 Jun.
Guest10/05/2011 at 8:36 amPost count: 2134Five days after the Winter Solstice, so summer must nearly be here, right?Let's go to Whakatane for fission chips. Leaving BP, South-bound Motorway Service Centre, Papakura at 0830 hrs, 26 Jun., weather permitting.If the weather is as bad as it can be, then it will morph into a local brunch ride. 😛
Any plans for which route you'll be taking to get there? And stops on the way? And where you'll be going for lunch? Assuming it's Whakatane and not Whakakatane you're going to. 🙂
Guest17/06/2011 at 5:33 pmPost count: 2134No firm ideas yet, gonna wait until the morning and see the weather maps first, at this time of the year. I tend to favour down via Waihi/Tauranga and back via Rotorua/Tirau just because the Tirau honey ice cream is better in the mid afternoon than in the morning, but I won't put anyone through an endurance run if the weather is nasty.
Inactive25/06/2011 at 6:08 amPost count: 60The (fairly) reliable weather site is showing possible light showers around Sth Auckland in the morning, clearing for later in the day and clear weather through the BOP all day although some nasty weather to the south which we should stay ahead of on the way north. So I think it's looking promising for Plan A. I'm going to pack my Womble-Bee suit and hope that there are some other riders keen to give it a go.
Inactive25/06/2011 at 7:47 amPost count: 128Yeah, why not Rob – a little shower here and there is neither here nor there. I'm up for it so I'll see you at scrutineering 😉
Guest25/06/2011 at 9:09 amPost count: 2134Thanks, Steve, I was going to have a quick check on the roads in the morning myself – it's a fear factor thing when you are riding on twelve inch wheels. I need to get over that, as it looks like I might be on the AN250 for quite a while yet before I see the eleven-hundy-ess come home.
Guest25/06/2011 at 7:10 pmPost count: 2134http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10734528 😮
All the roads in the direction of today's travel are open as at 0528 this morning, although some are down to single lane, and one diversion operating between Matata and Whakatane.WE GO!
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