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Guest18/10/2010 at 8:04 amPost count: 2134Sun 28 Nov 100930 Starbucks WestgateLittle and local: we will get coffee on the road for smoko, but take sarnies and a thermos for lunch, a picnic at Cornwallis or mebbe Whatipu.
Inactive28/11/2010 at 2:14 amPost count: 305Well done to all!That was a proper picnic run, with picnic blankets, home-made sammies, thermoses (thermii?), a picnic bench, a shady tree, a long drop, and a grumpy park ranger!Thanks Bwucie, that was a perfect "little and local" for my first ride back from my, erm, hiatus.And great to see more airheads out there!DTY
Yep, have to agree with DTY, a great day out, thanks Bwucie and also to places I have never been before, I try and keep away from out west, too many bogans in black gear on black bikes !!! ::)
Maybe we should have joined you guys, but we were running a bit late. Instead we went to the Hotwaves at Hot water Beach. That Tairua hill is one hell of a roller coaster. There are road works on the Kopu-Hikuwai road. Rocks the size of fists, plus a 500m section where they've sprayed bitumen, but never got around to covering it.Cobwebs have been cleared and a good day was had regardless.
Guest28/11/2010 at 5:17 amPost count: 2134Yup, you would have done a bit more with the day than we did, but we are old and sedate. This was the destination:
This was the cast:
Great to see Ros on the new scoot: instead of the mighty GN, she was pedalling a very pretty in black G650GS. DTY turned up for the first ride in six weeks after getting his pump plumbing adjusted at Hearty Towers. He is still not quite 100%, but still fit enough to remind me how easily he can outride me on his older, smaller bike. (I have older, smaller courage and skill-set. Survival is my aim, not performance!) Will was a refugee from a house full of outlaws speaking Quebecois, so we missed Chantal today. Plus the usual assorted range of offenders, YoungJim, Team Foley, the Red Baron minus his Frau (away on a girlie weekend being Thelma & Louise), the now regular Klingon couple, Rincewind and Barbara, Jimmy, Bwucie and of course, Mr Knutz. Big Thanks to Richard Gard'ner for being TEC.This was the well known eco-terrorist, DTY, shifting his R75 off the grass after the Park Ranger growled us. (I blame YoungJim for being on the DR650: it was plain as a pikestaff he was only there to rip up the grass.)
Some of us were well organised, some not so. Jimmy Builder was saved from starvation by DTY's spare sandwich.
The rump of the run made it to coffee and cake (......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm CAKE ;D) at New Lynn, then we put the dysmapsic Dave back on track for home and wended our various ways. For those who doubted, I did mow the lawns, and got my shoulders and the keg that has replaced my youthful 6-pack sunburnt doing it.Roll on next weekend, and three Big Days Out!
Inactive28/11/2010 at 6:35 amPost count: 182Thanks again Bruce for a great day out,it was indeed a picnic compared to last week…..You will be glad to know that I managed to steer the great Atuin back safely to the Ramtops without making a single wrong turn. (hardly a great geographical memoryfeat though when you realise that I only work in Avondale,) Ha HaHopefully I will see a few of you next weekend, if I can scive of work early on Friday arvo I will join you at the Caltex for the ride down.We will be removing the Klingon cloak some time this week and joining the federation,so I guess I will need some nominees..all those in favour say Aye......All those against,prepare to blow your tyres back upp....I will have to find another nickname for Barb though,it was all sorted before I met you lot,I was Rincewind,the bike was the great Atuin and the wife was the luggage......I guess one of the Witches springs to mind.....now Witch one Hmmmmmmm
Inactive28/11/2010 at 8:00 amPost count: 128Thoroughly enjoyed the ride today – excellent route and terrific company. Nice to see DTY back on board again after his operation and of course Roz on her new flash Beemer. Had some time on my hands while Frau is off with wee Frau in the convertable so followed Team Foley back to Papakura, tanked up Wendy's Intruder then enjoyed a nice tiki tour of Ardmore Quarry, Creightons, Jones and Ponga Roads before waving goodbye at the Drury intersection then headed back up SH1 towards Western Springs via Tamaki Drive :o. And Rincewind thinks he has a problem with geography. Great day out, big thanks to Bwucie up front and Richard for taking care of business at the rear.
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