Home › Forums › Ride Reports › Little and Local North, Sun 15 Jan 12.
Guest15/01/2012 at 2:54 amPost count: 2134A change in the weather bought a few bikes out from under the covers this morning. We marked time for a few minutes to allow the Ulybods to get away before us – we've discovered in the past it can get very confuggling when their faster bunch start working through our run from behind. Good thing we did mark time, because Campbell arrived way late, having wrong-laned himself on the North Shore after refuelling, and then having to go halfway to Mars before getting pointed towards Westgate (his story: only a hardened cynic would imagine he mighta slept in.)So when we left, I had to fill about an hour and fifty minutes to get to Long Bay. By way of briefing I said I would would, "String a few roads together over............." And wafted a hand in a sorta Nor-West direction. Such precise instructions make your audience quite keen to look after each other to stay with the ride, and we wound our way through the wild and woolly west via Swanson, Kumeu, Waimauku, Old North and Inland road to a stretch break at Helensville. Then Kaukapakapa, Dairy Flat, Albany Heights to Northcross hot bread for those that hadn't cut sarnies to buy lunch, and still altogether. It did occur to me to try and ditch TEC YoungJim and leave him lost in the West amongst the Bogans, but it wouldn't be fair to the West to leave them having to cope with a grumpy (and lost) Geordie.We fluffed it a bit from Northcross to Long bay - Jason was trying to send me a message that he had superior local knowledge of the way over modern roads, which I ignored because I was locked in a time warp following the route my Dad used with his old 2 stroke Bradford van when we went to the beach, back in the day. So some of us got to the Park a wee bit before others. Which is as good as it always is. I was stupid enough to jump in the tide: it was cold as charity, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. I can't quite work out why I am so keen. Just think about it: not only do fish have sex in the water, they poop in it too.Wendy had her camera going flat out, hopefully we'll see a few of the happy snaps over the next couple of days. A good one of the Three Grumpy Old Men would be good.
Pleased to hear you all had a good time today. Fitting shelves in the laundry for the boss, and hacking in to roots that are pushing the house over meant we had most of the day in but I did want to get over west to Fast Bike Gear to buy some goodies so took the C out via Kohi for a cuppa where I swear we saw young jim ride past on the DR about 3pm?? if so did you get your new rubber jim.
Yeah I cannot tell a lie twas me , I saw the C and wondered if it was you Malcolm.I went to Cycletreads after the ride and they had a Trailwing for the rear so I got that as the front is still good, got 5400km out of the rear which I suppose is OK !!!!.Went the long way round to home via Riddell road twisties to help scrub it in so all good now. 🙂
Inactive16/01/2012 at 12:08 amPost count: 182Would have welcomed the opportunity to have a nice tootle out on the Bike, but I was seconded to help my Son in law finish building his deck up in Stanmore bay.Managed to get a ride in on Saturday up to Devonport for breakfast at the Sierra cafe where they subsequently managed to poison me with the holandaise sauce on my eggs benedict !!! not a good way to loose weight but fully effective......Glad there was a good turnout,I don't think I would have had a comfy ride any way with a grumpy stomach and a broken finger so I guess I made the right move.Hope to catch up with you all soon...I see the weather God is having a laugh again and has provided full sunshine for the rest of the week as soon as I have to go back to work !!!!RegardsRincewind
Inactive16/01/2012 at 6:44 amPost count: 128Thanks Bwucie (and Jean 😉 for letting him borrow the scoot), we thoroughly enjoyed the run to the beach. Amazing how you find these great roads up and down then round and round. My new front is now fully scrubbed in thanks! ;DAlways a pleasure to catch up with the old and new and of course enjoy a sarnie or three under a tree. Off with the boots and sox for Frau Baron - dipping her feet into the Pacific however she found the blue wet stuff just a tad on the brrrr side and returned to camp quick smart. Well done Bwucie freestyling to the Barrier and back!Lets hope Mrs Team Foley manages to post a pic of the three wise men solving the problems of the world atop the park bench - priceless.Big thanks to Young "gentleman" Jim for taking care of TEC duties and Tony O for sniffing out the hidden gem bakery. Cheers,Herr and Frau Baron
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