Home › Forums › Ride Reports › Kawhia 10 Jan 10: Found on that damn camera card!
Guest10/01/2010 at 8:55 amPost count: 2134Smile, you're on Candid Ride Report.Great day, great company, great behaviour. Great roads, great ice cream.No wonder we get lots of Klingons and refugees from other marques. It's 'cos we're good.Highlight of the day? Probably Jimmy Liu, keeping up with the big boy's toys with a DR125: a better advert for how hard you can cane a wee Suzuki without something blowing there ain't. Here he is with his faithful steed, the "Stealth K1200S", cunningly disguised as a wee chook-chaser, to confuse the law. Note the external fuel tank and air-to-air refuelling funnel for missions deep behind enemy lines.
Compulsory looksee stop.
To check where they were going.
When they got there, it was nosebag time. YoungJim prepares to dive into his shark and tatie.
The Register's newest member, Mr Rusty Knutz (well, what colour do you think they'ld be: look at him) tried to help himself at the table. Wendy looked a bit annoyed at him.
Ken, a guest on a Trumpet, took it in his stride.
The hungry table, last to be served: L to R, Kerry, Alex and Paul (guest on a Yamahahahaha), and none of them looking as happy as those with food in front of them.
Then after lunch we wended off around the Harbour and via Te Anga to the Natural Bridge at Marakopa.
Gotta luv the BMWOR, even dismounted and staggering, they still do it in staggered formation.
The team inspects the 35million year old oyster fossils in the rocks. "In the rocks, Alex, the rocks! Not the mud." Oh well, there's always one, eh?
We knew our bikes and helmets were safe, because we left the ugly ones on security patrol.
Thanks for a great ride Bwucie and nice to meet some new guys and gals and some roads I had only done in the other direction.See you on the next one.Jim
Inactive10/01/2010 at 11:36 pmPost count: 72Have to agree with Jim. It was nice to be useful even as a klingon. Also a bonus to catch up with Alex and Kerry Andrews. Hope I can ride again with the register ( coming from the worst behaved ) soon.
Inactive11/01/2010 at 8:23 amPost count: 128Thanks for a brilliant, well organised days ride Bwucie. We have never been to Kawhia so were really looking forward to the run on Enzo. We enjoyed fantastic company, scenery, roads and weather. Was great to catch up with Paul C (uncamoose) again after many years. BTW Paul, thanks for the tip on the tight right handers and of course Bwucie for your observations too. Never too proud to take on advice from observant TEC's. Thanks to everyone for making this ride a little ripper.Cheers,Alex and KerryPS: Bwucie - warning light at 250km, filled up at 455km with 21.79L !!!
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