Home Forums Ride Reports Kaiaua Fission Chips, 11 Apr

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    Post count: 2134

    Unending summer, more bikes than we have had for a few weekends, so more good company.  More corners, more fish and chips, more ice cream: what more could you want?  Yeah, right!  Disgraceful biker behaviour.First there was the Red Baron:00001-2.jpgWho was soon joined by Jacky T, who at least had the goodness to hide her ashamed face:00002-1.jpgAnd then there was Richard Kuysten, who should have whipped out his notebook, licked the end of his indelible pencil, and ticketed the pair of them, but didn't.  How shameful, the three of them!By way of punishment I made all of them (and the rest of us) ride through heaps of twisties as far as Clevedon - Hunua Gorge, Jones Road, Ardmore Quarry, up through Alfriston, Brookby, Ara Kotinga, Whitford and then around the coast to Duders Beach, then North Road to Clevedon potty stop.  No one looked the least bit chastened, in fact there were lots of smiles behind the visors.  Obviously these people are so incorrigible that you can't discipline them by punishing them with corners.YoungJim led from Clevedon to Kaiaua, and I swapped with the Red Baron at TEC.  It may have been just as well, as he had a small side trip into the weeds after a moment's inattention: no damage to man or machine, fortunately.  Even more fortunately for the Red Baron, given that he had threaded his fat, red, German motorsickle into a grassy corridor not much wider than his handlebars, Jacky, Hilton and I were behind him to assist getting the machine pointed back at the road.  Poor Alex Red Baron has been the butt of many poor attempts at humour for the rest of the day, but I am sure all of us have taken the lesson from his experience that it only takes a tiny lapse of concentration to create an immense amount of suction on the seat upholstery.  It's always better to get your eyes around the corner before trying to take the bike there.............Kaiaua was going flat out, families in cages, Auckland and Waikato BMWOR, Some Ulybods, some other stray bikes, but still they churned out the fish and chips in good time.From Kaiaua most of the oldies/littlies brigade followed me to Pokeno for ice creams, some of those with more need for speed, or greater mileage, or all of the above followed YoungJim towards further adventures: half an hour later the two groups passed in opposite directions on Monument Road - the stray cow didn't know which way to go to jump over the moon, poor confused critter.From Pokeno most headed home, bar the determined liars and homebaking bludgers, who took up Paul and Wendy Foley's offer of an after-after match function at their house in Pukekohe.  Those who have encountered Wendy's baking don't normally turn down an offer of more.00006.jpgVisible, from L to R: Alex Red Baron, El Presidente Rob, Jochen, The Librarian (seated, rear), one of the triad of Pauls, Hilton and Jacky.  Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, ice cream!00003-2.jpgRob reckoned it looked smaller in the picture.  I reckon he's just having another Presidential meltdown.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I had the use of a KTM 990 SMT for the day, so looping the Coromandel seemed more attractive. I can no see why DTY keeps complaining about the wear on his boots. Mine are a tiny little bit narrower.

    Post count: 5

    Thanks for the ride guys and girls, nice to be welcomed into a group like that. 294km door to door  😀 on a beautiful day

    Post count: 72

    If there was anything discraceful it was I Paul (uncamoose) who rode up from Ngaruawhia with the Hamilton boys & girls the jumped ship to ride home via icecream palour. Or is it John of Auckland, who lead those fine few up the west side of the Waikato river, on to Te Kauwhata for coffee then out to Highway 2. Of course we had to see Waitakaruru. Hey I enjoyed it just the same as I had an ex workmate on his ZX6R as a klingon. The rest will atest to some great windies to Orere Point.

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Yes great ride today Bwucie, good weather, good company and good chish and fips.Most of the Waikato guys and gals were still at Pokeno when we arrived after a detour along some very great and quiet roads.

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    Unending summer, more bikes than we have had for a few weekends, so more good company.  More corners, more fish and chips, more ice cream: what more could you want?  Yeah, right!  Disgraceful biker behaviour.First there was the Red Baron:00001-2.jpgWho was soon joined by Jacky T, who at least had the goodness to hide her ashamed face:00002-1.jpg

    I think this is out of Richards jurisdiction but not out of mine. Can I just have the time and the first number of the red BMW bike plate and I will post them the appropriate paperwork. I just did a defended case the other week made a comment to an ignorant parked in one of these parks and said ignorant lost face and punched person whom made comment. District Court Judge made comment about the public’s and his displeasure of people taking these spaces.

    Post count: 128

    I say charge the hooligan who grafittis carpark slots. Wasn't there when I reversed in. Not a good day all round for me. Had trouble reversing Enzo, had trouble at a 90 right when Enzo had a full head of steam on then was publicly shamed when Bwucie announced at the lunch stop I was sacked as TEC – should have stayed home and helped Frau Baron with the chores. 😳 😳 😳

    Post count: 2134

    Steve B wrote, “I think this is out of Richards jurisdiction but not out of mine. Can I just have the time and the first number of the red BMW bike plate and I will post them the appropriate paperwork. I just did a defended case the other week made a comment to an ignorant parked in one of these parks and said ignorant lost face and punched person whom made comment. District Court Judge made comment about the public’s and his displeasure of people taking these spaces.”You are making the subject very serious, Steve, as it should be.  Those of us who have friends or family who need these spaces get very bitter and twisted when we see able-bodied pillocks using them.  If Richard was working, it would be $150 straight up, and I think that's cheap at the price.  On Sunday all the riders were stood by their machines, so they could have been moved quickly, but it would still require the bona fide user to assert his or her ownership of the slot to make it happen - like they don't already have enough battles in life dealing with whatever ailment has put them in a position to have a permit to use space.Sadly it is all too common to see bikers pull into disability parks, and apart from being inconsiderate to authentic permit holders, it's piss poor public relations. Now the subject has gotten out of hand, with two nice people being named and shamed because of my heavy-handed humour.  I have no cure for that, except to offer to add the Ducati rider's name to the list, if someone wants to whisper it in my ear.  Steve won't get the time or the reg - on this occasion.  I think I have now (unintentionally) provided a more public consequence to the folk in the photos than a fine in the mail.  Would you not agree, Mr Prosecutor?

    Post count: 37

    While not wishing in any way to condone such heinous criminal activity, one would have to question under whose the jurisdiction policing said parking area would lie.  Slak

    Post count: 2134

    While not wishing in any way to condone such heinous criminal activity, one would have to question under whose the jurisdiction policing said parking area would lie.   Slak

    Policing should not be required. Why anyone would not feel guilty while they are parking 🙄

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    While not wishing in any way to condone such heinous criminal activity, one would have to question under whose the jurisdiction policing said parking area would lie.   Slak

    guessing that since only access is via motrway would fall under Transit NZ whom opeates State Highways so a City Council would not have Juri in this area. Thats only a guess but open to be corrected.  I am only thing from a legal view of a sensible person but set to be corrected by someone in the know. or a bush lawyer but give us his view but they have as much credibility as the now diposed Iraqi minister of information, or is that mis-information. 

    Post count: 37

    Thought I would get a rise—got two.Slak

    Post count: 2134

    00002-1.jpgYes that is a handicap sign you are parking you're bike on top of.

    Post count: 90

    Yo, Steve B about jurisdiction:RE: 'ask a lawyer'... I'm a lawyer... [but I'm not very good so I don't get much work] but hell, we are always ready to give an opinion on anything. If we actually know anything aboutthat upon which we give that opinion then there is a surcharge....But I do agree agree that parking in such a parking space is as bad as,  well.. riding your bike up the truck lane on the Grafton on-ramp...CheersThe Loins

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