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  • honeybear.2399
    Post count: 232

    . One of the things I enjoy in the club is seeing the older members still there and guys in there late 60s still riding adventure rides. And what about guys in their 60's still riding road bikes?  Regards Phil 👿  

    Post count: 2134

    . One of the things I enjoy in the club is seeing the older members still there and guys in there late 60s still riding adventure rides. And what about guys in their 60's still riding road bikes?  Regards Phil 👿70 and still riding a road bike  😀 now that is cool 😆 🙄 I have found my two years of ownership of my first road bike not much fun over all so it is about to be replaced  😎  

    Post count: 86

    Hi Nick, I to rarely find much to interest me in the forum either as it is at present, I generally check it a couple of times a week and attempt to answer any tech questions re airhead problems / fixes etc. I note that a question about a R100/7 has had 63 views but only 1 reply, mine, I think the level of knowlege re maintenance, D I Y repair etc. just isn't there anymore. I have had some good rides with Neko  and her mates a year or 2 ago who all own up to the minute machines with me on the 60/6 or the 90/6S (dodgy bottom end , still running) outfit and found them good to ride with, everyone riding to their abilities, some very quick, others like me arriving 10 minutes later. Generally the conversation had more to do with the quality of the food / coffee rather than do you use EP90 GL4 or  GL5 grade in the gearbox etc. We are an anacronism that BMW has left behind unfortunately for us, many / most of todays riders have never ridden an airhead or enjoyed a light 1980's R80GS (considered heavy in our day) compared to the enormous GS twins of today with back tyres so fat that riding on metal roads for all but the best riders can only go slow.Now to get serious, ride the 90S North with Buell behind and come for a sail and we can reminisce about the good rides we have done and chill out with a glass at sunset.Steve.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Steve,I'd be surprised if he is still reading this forum. DIY is not being encouraged anymore, this applies to a lot of things not just motorcycles. I think we are poorer for it and it does contribute to a throw-away mentality. I enjoy servicing my bikes, but there are a number of jobs that I won't tackle. The wobbly rear wheel of my 1150 is one of them. I must admit I get most of the joy from riding my bikes and generally not much goes wrong with them. I did 25000km last year and if you've ridden with Neko and friends you know that they  also enjoy their riding and take it seriously. There is also not much wrong with a good cup of coffee. We all ride, we all enjoy it. Some like old bikes, some like new bikes, some ride on gravel and others don't, some ride slow, some ride fast, some repair their own bikes others take them to a shop, so what, who cares.People should be able to enjoy the riding that they do without worrying how others enjoy theirs.Anyway, I thought Motul 80w90 mineral was preferable over Spectro 75w145 in an airhead gearbox.

    Post count: 86

    Kokopelli, I'm pretty mellow and philosophical about it all really, I generally enjoy the company of motorcyclists whatever they ride, at least they are out there riding, not much different to sailing and being out amongst the elements, although one you do at 5 to 6 knots the other just a tad faster, the people are very similar and mostly non judgemental.The things that annoy me are generally media related such as where there is an accident between a car and a bike the emphasis is always on the motorcyclist and rarely on the car driver who often is responsible for the crash, "I never saw him" etc. Or the cop in the Buller Gorge crash whose first remark apparently was, you were speeding, not my god I'VE caused an accident, and note how the Police heirachy immediately closed ranks re responsibility.Good quality oil changed regularly is the cheapest form of maintenance there is no matter which brand you choose.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Or the cop in the Buller Gorge crash whose first remark apparently was, you were speeding, not my god I'VE caused an accident, and note how the Police heirachy immediately closed ranks re responsibility.

    I missed a great opportunity in Murchison. We had fish and chips sitting at the same table as 4 cops who had just done a checkpoint. When they said have a good and ride and be careful, I could have said"......:-)"  The media usually seems to support the most popular view as this will sell the most amount of paper. We have a hard time defending our choice of transport because the statistics do show that it is a more dangerous than others. Even if we are in the "right" we tend to come of(f) second best. Our best chance for a revival of interest in motorcycling is to push the fact that they require fewer resources and use up a lot less  real estate on the road. Cars tend to clog up the roads will then burn fuel while going nowhere. Motorcycles and *spit* scooters would solve a lot of traffic congestion.

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Morning Alex, your comment about getting more of the populace onto bikes and scoots does at face value have some merit.  However…. how would you feel about all of those dedicated tin top “drivers” on two wheels clogging up those pristine south island roads  😕  Practical or not it scares me to even think about it  😡  Picture the early morning traffic rush on the motorway and associated on ramps  😥 What about the situation at traffic lights with dozens of bikes lined up ready for the off 😮  I'm sitting here chuckling at the very thought of the mayhem with (say) two thirds of all tin top drivers on bikes  😐  Bankok but with the Kiwi driving mentality, it would make a great comedy/thriller type movie don't you think.  😆 Have a good day.Malcolm

    Post count: 2134

    Motorcycles and *spit* scooters would solve a lot of traffic congestion.I cannot imagine why you would *spit* at scoots, Alex. The librarian's nifty fifty was terminated in the accident that nearly terminated her five months ago (she wasn't seen DESPITE the hi-vis, the bright green scooter, and the fact that she was stationary in her own lane at a give way when the people mover cut the corner and cut her off at the knees).Jean still has a couple of months at least before she can ride again, possibly longer, but I have so missed the handy little utility scoot to hack around on that I went into Haldane's and bought an AN125 to replace it yesterday. It is very, very hard to beat a wee scoot for convenience in town. Horses for courses.

    Post count: 86

    Re scoots and the “spit” they are still 2 wheels and would/do suit a lot a female riders who are vertically challenged and like to wear skirts etc. For the older but still keen to ride try taking a Bergman 400 or 600 for a ride you might be pleasantly surprised.Bwucie, sorry to hear about Jean,  what can you do when you are stationary and they still get you. What was the laws take on it? 😮

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I should have put a smiley face next to the *spit*, as I was just stirring. I really have nothing against scooters, or older BMWs or even the new BMWs, there is no compulsion to buy any of them. Ride what you like.Sorry to hear about Jean, I hope she is healing well. Malcolm: Your scenario does indeed sound scary. Maybe I'll just keep lane splitting past these guys. First I've got to get the 1150 going again, it's currently parked behind a shed past Wellsford. Some fuel issue has meant that Gerda got to ride pillion on her own bike back to Auckland. I hope it's just the fluid they try to pass of as fuel over here that is the problem. It's already got a wobbly rear wheel that needs sorting. I can see a light wallet in my future.

    Post count: 2134

    Bwucie, sorry to hear about Jean,  what can you do when you are stationary and they still get you. What was the laws take on it?Sonny-Jim committed the act right on the Police change-of-shift, when there was only 1 (count them!) Police Officer on the road anywhere between Papakura and Otahuhu: that 1 attending officer could not get the Serious Crash Unit interested, despite Jean's horrendous injuries. Sonny-Jim was charged with careless driving causing injury. He rocked up at the courthouse last week without having consulted a lawyer in the period of months since the accident, and his case was deferred because he will need legal representation. We take this to mean that he might lose his license for as long as six months. This will be a way shorter sentence than he imposed on Jean, but we understand that the NZ justice system is all about the rights of wrong-doers, not their victims.The day in court is here: http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~bandjc/Rusty/Rusty.html#22_Jan_08

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Too bad we're only the BMWOR and not the HAMC, otherwise we could just go around the guys's place and beat him up. I'd still consider it.

    Post count: 2134

    . One of the things I enjoy in the club is seeing the older members still there and guys in there late 60s still riding adventure rides. And what about guys in their 60's still riding road bikes?  Regards Phil 👿70 and still riding a road bike  😀 now that is cool 😆 🙄 I have found my two years of ownership of my first road bike not much fun over all so it is about to be replaced  😎

    Phil the 60  😀 thing was a joke. I would ditch the road bike and get back on the adventure rides. I am just doing the same thing. The RT is being replaced with a 1200 adventure.Dean

    Tony Russell
    Post count: 24

    YAHOO!!!!! I'm about to become an adult!! Come Saturday and I'll be 60 and I'm not going to exchange my RT for an offroad and I'm not going to stop riding and I'm not going to stop wife from wanting to ride pillion and I'm not going to stop…………. think I'd better stop there.I am, however, still going to try to get rid of the last, thin little chicken strip. I am still going to enjoy the Italian Alps each holiday. I'll keep riding the twisties along the Norwegian fjords till I get carried off and I don't care what they say about age - life has never been better! I've had 40 years of marriage to same woman, got kids and grandchildren, a job, good health, a reasonable income and an RT. I'm going to wave to all motorcyclists except the HD ones who give me the finger, I'm even going to stop and chat with a few. What I'm not going to do is get upset and quarrely while enjoying life.

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Well said Svein  😀

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