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The studies also spelled out Auckland's bleak record on cycling safety. Between 2006 and 2010, cyclists represented 7 per cent of all serious and fatal crashes.Your ACC is going to go up soon, Bwucie...... ;Dhttp://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10751395
Guest12/09/2011 at 9:46 pmPost count: 2134I did notice in the Herald recently that some clown is talking (apparently seriously) about applying Road User Charges to cyclists. At that stage I will turn complete revolutionary, and apply to Tame Iti, c/o the Te Urewera 14, for war funding, and weapons of shotgun destruction (of Australian flags, because the Warehouse was out of NZ flags when he staged his shotgun protest).Or ride on the footpath, which would put me in conflict with that other bunch of road-rage rednecks, old and wrinklies like my Dad on his pavement scooter. Hang on, too late: I am old and wrinkly. 'Zounds! I've turned into my father! No wonder I'm a s***stirrer.
I'm assuming you're either still in Welly Bruce, unless you headed home after the meeting last night 😮 Anyway how did it go, have you arranged for Gareth to come up and give us a few tips on where to invest our hard earned dollars.
Guest12/09/2011 at 10:40 pmPost count: 2134“Anyway how did it go, have you arranged for Gareth to come up and give us a few tips on where to invest our hard earned dollars.”If you have hard-earned $$$ to invest, Malcolm, then I'm looking forward to my Goldcard (in one year, five months and two days, but who's counting) to see if I can save some by riding the trains for free. Got home 0430 this morning, caught a few zees, here I is again.Dr Morgan postponed (he had a lurgy!) Never mind, the counter revolution will be pleased if I acted as Typhoid Mary and spread my bug at large among the assembled Wellywoodians.It wasn't quite a futile trip: Robin Wood (Rangitikei), Dave Oldershaw (Wellington) and I became fill in speakers providing a bit of a view of what/how different area reps do. Lance (Unofficial Biker Mayor of Wanganui) Nixon was also there (as a part-time Suzuki rider myself I went, "Boo, Hiss!," at a V-Strom rider associating himself with Beemer people), sharing his exhaustive knowledge of things motorcycle, particularly access to safety funding at local body level that it could be possible to tap into. Bar Lance, I don't think the rest of us could challenge G. Morgan's celebrity.From my viewpoint, it was a long way to go to fire a volley of blank rounds, but as an ex-serviceman I am familiar with the syndrome: it's known in civvie street as "S*** Happens".
oh and have you heard that they are going to bring in a charge to put your vehicle on the suspended register
I would like to think you're joking but I guess not? Maybe it's time for some organised civil disobedience >:(
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