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  • Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    I've just been quoted $1,541.15 for insurance [with 50% no claims discount].  Does that sound right for a 50 year old on a 1 yr old 1200 GSA  😕

    Stuart Burns
    Post count: 71

    Try State. I'm similar age and paying about $500 on a $12000 1100S. $300 dollar excess.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I am just about to pay for our insurance. I am still with JB and have three bikes insured with them. I found them to be a little more expensive than others, but I know that they pay up without hassle and that's worth more than a slightly lower premium. Thankfully I've never needed to claim for bike insurance in the past.

    Post count: 2134

    I've just been quoted $1,541.15 for insurance [with 50% no claims discount].  Does that sound right for a 50 year old on a 1 yr old 1200 GSA  😕

    Both my 650 and adventure cost $1,000 all up. The good thing about JB is the bikes are insured for off road riding.

    Post count: 232

    Go with JB.

    Post count: 267

    Try NAC (national auto club). Free road side rescue low excess, low premiums and they only insure classic bikes and cars. I like being a classic  😀

    Tharon KNOETZE
    Post count: 62

    I use John Baker. Just about to renew – Premium is $900 for $27K cover. Way cheaper than others I have had quotes from.

    Post count: 90

    Speaking of insurance… any ideas on the best insurance provider for riding in Thailand?

    Post count: 267

    Budda  😀 Have you seen how they drive in Thailand  😮

    Post count: 90

    It's on the left like us, isn't it????It can't be any more harrowing than traversing the Himalayas (not on bikes, but) which was last year's adventure!!!(And we got insurance coved for that!)

    Post count: 267

    Well actually its on the left or the right depending on which road you are on. I kid you not  😀Only the Thai could come up with a system so simple for them but hard for westerners to grasp.http://maps.google.co.nz/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=7.891949,98.297939&spn=0.043359,0.054159&z=14The two roads running parrellel to the beach are one way roads (travelled in a clockwise direction). The roads crossing between the two roads are all right hand drive. All other roads in Phuket are left hand drive.Believe it or not it actually makes sense as all traffic turning in or out of the cross roads is turning right so there is no crossing of traffic at intersections  😀

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