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  • Riaan Du Plessis
    Post count: 9

    Hey there down under, it's more than one year ago since I left your wonderful country and finally I did it! I joined the club. Yiepieee, I'm an official overseas-member now!!!Maybe some people will remember me. I lived in Auckland/Kohimarama and had my little red beauty from Germany (R 1100 GS) with me. Was such a great time, I often think about the fantastic club rides and especially the annual rallye at the Flock Hill Lodge near Arthur's pass. Hell, what a great party - well it was just a pity that you guys drank so much beer there - we Germans are not used to drink beer  😆I've written a book about my trip in New Zealand and my way home. It's was published this week. The link:http://www.amazon.de/Neuseeland-pur-Bernd-H%C3%A4usler/dp/3933385393/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1195987540&sr=8-1I often mentioned the club in the book - that was the reason for me to join now. In the middle of the book are 8 pages with pictures from New Zealand. There are a few pics from Club Rides. And even pics of Members are in the book Hey Neko, Jim and Tony - it's a pic from you - it's  taken from our Coromandel-ride. Do you remember?Really happy that you are all very pretty-Kiwis. So people in Germany will adore you now 🙂Best wishes from GermanyBernd P.S. Hey Alex: Wie schaff ich es denn hier ein Bild in mein Profil zu stellen???

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Du hast doch ein Bild drin. Viel Erflolg mit dem Buch wuensche ich Dir. Amazon hat nur noch eines auf Lager.Gruesse,Alexander

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Great to here from you again Bernd, I often wondered where you were now and how your trip was going.I remember that Coromandel ride very well and am pleased you included it in your book.We are all still riding lots over here and it has been very warm these past couple of weeks so long may it continue.Hope it's not too cold for you back home.  😆Best RegardsJim

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    PlugThe subtiltle says: Nine month of working, travelling and motorbiking.Further down it says something like: Due to this approach bernd has gained a unique insight into the daily lives of New Zealanders ( He must mean all the Germans, Japanese and English members of the BMWOR :-D), that remains hidden to the regular traveler. Learn about his journey through the email logs he sent to his friend Hans. Combined they create an interesting and enjoyable story....  We will have to read it and then decide if he can come back for another visit  👿 😀51Ue85KFrIL._SS500_.jpg

    Post count: 151

    Congratulations for publishing the book!  😆I used to look at your blog until you stop updating it  👿I can't understand German but I enjoyed your photos, as they were always so beautiful.I wish I can read German  🙁You must be a talented writer as well as a good photographer.The German food that you introduced me (Leberkäse : liver cheese) is my favorite food now  🙂

    Riaan Du Plessis
    Post count: 9

    Hey there, @@Jim@@Ok, the weather - thank you very much for twisting the knife in my wounds!!!  🙂 No, I really don't care, that it's fu.... cold here! And who cares, that we are drowning in snow??And you poor guys have to go for rides in the summertime each Sunday - I pity you  🙂Well, let's see what I can do next year in July - I might show you some nice pics from rides in the Alps  👿@@Neko@@Oh, how lovely that you still like the liver cheese! Ok, - lesson two will be German beer.  🙂 If you stand that too (at least 3 liters a day  :-)) you will be very well prepared to go on the octoberfest with me  👿@@Alex@@Thanks for showing the bookcover here. The book is on it's way!!... and I desperately wait for your decision whether I'm allowed to come back again or not. Hell! Those bloody Germans! Once they live abroad they turn into cheaky guys....Ok, have to shovel snow now....CheersBernd

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