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  • gary
    Post count: 29

    😡Family stuff has just happened, will be unable to attend.Trust you all have a great time and post lots of stories and pics.CheersIan

    Arne Rohde
    Post count: 436

    The news from this ride is not good. According to news items, Scott McIsaac, also known as Zukin, died on the way to Auckland Hospital after a crash near the top of the Coromandel Peninsula.Condolences to family and friends.

    Russell Taylor
    Post count: 232


    Post count: 151

    Oh no…  😥He has been a big contributor to this forum.My sincere condolances to his family.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    We are absolutely shocked, what sad news. Our condolences to his family and friends.

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    😥 not the type of news i like to read.

    Post count: 267

    a tragic loss – Scott was an enthusiastic adventurer – good company and considerate of others – deepest sympathy to his family – S

    David Yeo
    Post count: 30

    This is very sad news to me. My Hart goes out to his family and friends. My prayer is that God will comfort his loved ones in this time and give them peace and embrace them with His love.Scott our mate we will miss you dearly.  R.I.P.Hentie  😥

    Post count: 487

    Devastated. A good bloke, an enthusiastic rider and a handful of fun on most of the adventures we've done. Our thoughts are with Carissa and family. God rest  🙁

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    I don't think I ever met Scott but his obvious enthusiasm and love of riding made him a top man.  Our sincere condolances to Scott's family and friends.Malcolm and Jean

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Just arrived back in NZ to hear this devastating news.Our thoughts are with his family

    Ron McFadzien
    Post count: 102

    Originally Posted by GurlRacer  Hi everyone, Funeral Update / InformationWhen: Monday 7th June Start: 1.30pm (1330)Where: Napier War Memorial on Marine Parade (He was certainly not an everyday man, so he's not having an everyday funeral) Most importantly: Mum and I have decided that we want as many bikes there as possible. There is room to leave bikes just outside the venue and it would be the best goodbye I could ever imagine giving him. So if you can bring a bike, please do! If you want more information, don't hesitate to send me a message.Hope you can make it! Everyone is welcome.And thank you all for the continued support, it really helps us  I can see why Dad saw this as his extended family, you really are!!!

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Thanks for posting that.I'll see if I can make it. Is anyone else considering the ride to Napier?

    Ron McFadzien
    Post count: 102

    Zukin was farewelled today in a fitting tribute to a man who enjoyed life to the MAX.To his family and friends stand tall you did him proud.All the best for the future.boGSer

Viewing 14 posts - 16 through 29 (of 29 total)
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