Hi AllHow ironic it is that I find myself needing to purchase a smart charger to keep my battery in ship shape condition….. http://www.cycletreads.co.nz/products/217-battery_chargers/4477-oxford_maximiser_3800_battery_.aspx ..... not, as you might expect, to keep my GS fully charged and ready for action, no, it’s for my poor old tin top which sits in the garage gathering dust and drawing charge from things like the stereo and alarm to the point that I had to jump start it this morning (I have probably used it 3 or 4 times the last 5 weeks to drive less than a km each time). Turns out I either drive it more or I keep it hooked up to a charger. Oh well I’ve been looking for a reason to buy one of those so called smart charges and now I have one!Go figure.It’s Gr82briding!