Home Forums General Discussion how did the AGM go

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  • Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Hey Neil, we went down on the GS  🙂 even with the shitty weather and a forgettable meeting we had a good ride.  Something I did find about my Trax panniers though.  Sooooo wide I clouted the right hand box with my boot and put a small dent in the top.  Have adapted my getting on technique for when I have the boxes on but in the meantime I have wondered about some reinforcing stuck on the inside of the lid? Of course you have longer legs than me so it may not have happened. Hope youre coping with the weather down there, not much skiing happening I guess.

    Post count: 102

    Hi Malcolm,Glad you enjoyed the AGM ride. The weather could have been better for you! I'm not doing a lot of anything at the moment as I tore ligaments in my ankle 3 days a go helping to clear lahar damage/debris off the Tongariro Alpine Crossing for today's reopenning. The physio says I'll be back at full capacity in 4-6 weeks time which is fantastic considering I've never operated at full capacity in my life!You must have heavy boots if you can put a dent in the lid of your pannier! You may want to start riding side saddle? I use mine to sit on when I camp, my fat ass must distribute my weight just enough so as not to cause any damage.By the way the other marque brand I own is still at least 4 weeks away from being back on the road and is costing $11,250.00 to repair. I'm insured with Protecta Insurance and they have been really excellent to deal with. I managed to negotiate with them to replace the standard seat and exhaust with a Gel seat and Arrow pipe at no extra cost to me! Bloody good buggers at Protector.

    Post count: 267

    Thankfully we have you to be the judge. ;D

    Grown ups dont need judging Alex  😉

    Post count: 2134

    Just to get you all thinking for next year's entertainment, it is a fair point that clubs nearly always have their governance changes enacted by a minority of members, because life gets in the way of everybody attending General Meetings (even assuming that everybody would want to.)So mebbe we could have a grown up debate about the benefits (or otherwise) of proxy voting for the future?

    Post count: 289

    Hey I haven't even complained about what went on .

    It's pre-emptive. You have been found guilty of the pre-crime of complaining!I must say, takes all the fun out of it  ???

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Good news Darryl. All remits passed. Just need a new Treasurer. 🙂

    Since the old one spat the dummy and resigned I would have thought the call for a replacement would have gone out fairly quickly.  Actually he's still showing up on the contact list?

    Post count: 2134

    Good news Darryl. All remits passed. Just need a new Treasurer. 🙂

    Since the old one spat the dummy and resigned I would have thought the call for a replacement would have gone out fairly quickly.  Actually he's still showing up on the contact list?

    Yup, he wasn't briefly, but I was asked to undo my edit temporarily until a replacement has been found.Something to do with being reasonable after the adrenalin had left the system, and keeping normal services running until a handover can be effected, I presume.

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