Home Forums Rides Calendar GS (Gravel Surface) Adventure Ride – Wind & Waves Adventure

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 68

    Hi allWell as promised I have organised the first GS Adventure RideWairarapa Wind and Waves Adventure Meeting place is Woodville (at approx 11am to allow riders to get from around the Lower North Island)Finish place is Greytown (whenever we get there) 😀DATES 8th & 9th MarchGRADE - The terrain is mostly gravel, with some rougher tracks for those looking for more adventure, as well as some tarseal touringIf its wet it could get a little slippery in places, but nothing too serious.Also pillion friendly  😀ACCOMMODATION (has changed)Modern on-farm accommodation, sleeps 11 in 5 separate bedrooms.Fully equipped kitchen, microwave, logfire, colour television. Pillows, bedding and towels will be suppliedADDITIONAL INFOCost will be $25 for accommodationMeal - If you want the meal it will be $20 per person (I need to know by Thursday 28th Feb if you want the meal, it will be great meal)Limited to 10 peopleOnly open to BMW bikes, if there are any spaces left it will then be offered to "other riders"This will be a very social ride, so bring your casks of wine, beer or what ever you prefer to consume at the end of the day 😀I think that just about covers it.If you would like to attend, then leave a message hereCheers Scott

    Post count: 267

    hi Scott – thanks for organising this. I'm interested. Just need to check with my wife we have no other commitments that weekend. cheers S  🙂

    Ron McFadzien
    Post count: 102

    Hello Zukin I am definately interested I have nothing planned at this stage. I will confirm in acouple of days boGSer

    Post count: 267

    Count me as a starter. So lomg as I mow rhe lawns berore I go she said  👿

    Post count: 14

    Count me as a starter. So lomg as I mow rhe lawns berore I go she said  👿

    I'm thinking very hard about this one  😕 I have to talk to my adventure mate to see what we can arrange will confirm soon.Gee Colin I thought my typing was bad 😮

    Post count: 267

    Count me as a starter. So lomg as I mow rhe lawns berore I go she said  👿

    love the honesty micawberism  😉 I can now confirm I plan on taking part in this ride also Scott. Cheers S

    Ron McFadzien
    Post count: 102

    Zukin I confirm I am a Starter looking forward to itboGSer

    Post count: 267

    Count me as a starter. So lomg as I mow rhe lawns berore I go she said  👿

    I'm thinking very hard about this one  😕 I have to talk to my adventure mate to see what we can arrange will confirm soon.Gee Colin I thought my typing was bad 😮

    I earn my wages by the kilometer Kev, not the pen  😀

    Post count: 68

    I have just updated the first post with some new infoWe have had to change the accommodation but it will still be good 🙂6 spaces left  😀

    Post count: 43

    If my bike is fixed I hope to come.Cheers Pete

    Ron McFadzien
    Post count: 102

    I have just updated the first post with some new infoWe have had to change the accommodation but it will still be good 🙂6 spaces left  😀

    Hello Zukin count me in for the meal sounds great. boGSer

    Post count: 267

    Food is one of lifes essential things. Put me down for a meal, Yes please  😀Kev have you decided if you are going yet? If you want you can bunk here for the night and then we will hoon off in the morning. Still havent decided if I will continue exploring after this ride but it may happen  👿Anyone else from Taranaki or North going?

    Post count: 267

    Hi Scott – looking forward to this ride. Please register me for the meal – again thanks for organising -cheers Stephen O  🙂

    Barry Stephenson
    Post count: 3

    Sounds good Scott,Mark me down for ameal also.Will be riding from Rotorua,be cool to hook up with anyone along the way,probably camp Palmy the night with afew ales.Cheers the.foz

    David Yeo
    Post count: 30

    Hi this sounds like fun kount me in and put my name up for a meal . see you all. Hentie  😀

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