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  • Renato Heneine Gualberto
    Post count: 17

    Finally should intro myself now that I have a bit of spare time and have got back into the groove of biking again  😀Rode (rice burners all the way) for a number of years and gave it away when babies and the rest of it took over about 20 years ago.Now ummm past 40 and time to do something about getting back onto a bike... this time a Beemer was in order so after a quick perusal of trademe, questions on the forum and a visit to Experience (just happens to be 5 mins walk from work... DANGER) it was time to get some hardware between the legs.Sick to death of everyone saying be careful.... FFS I ride a push-bike to work most days... and they say be careful...!!!Bought a much loved K75S and have been running up as many K's as I am allowed including a recent trip back home to the South Island with Joetta to see family in Westport and Canterbury.Having great fun, meeting lots of people that just LOVE the K' and want to chat about the bike. Fantastic people on the site and I hope to meet more of you at meeting and rides in the future.As they say, only the nicest people ride bikes...Next trip this weekend circuit around the East Cape...working ANZAC and take off Thursday Friday to make the most of the stunning Autumn.Ride safe 🙂StuPicture024small.jpg

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Your bike will know the way :-D. Enjoy your trip this weekend and make sure you take plenty of pictures.

    Post count: 400

    Howdy.  Now we know.  Goodluck with the trip and stay on two wheels. 😀

    Renato Heneine Gualberto
    Post count: 17

    Roger that Alex, have plenty of time for a slow cruise and now that I have worked out how to post pictures… a monster has been created…

    Post count: 2134

    Hi and have fun on the K bike. Keep an eye on the clubs events.

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