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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    Apropos the website, still to do, when I find my round tuit:

    • Sort out the RSS feeds, and get a link back on the home page to them

    Make the downloadable gear order form able to be filled in and saved as a copy, and print in el cheapo black and white.Now, where's that tuit?

    Number 2 on the list is done, just waiting for the powers that be at Editor and/or Regalia to approve my tinkering before  changing the form to download on the server. The form will be filled in your pdf reader, probably Acrobat Reader for most of you Windahs4Hillbillies users, and saved as a copy to attach to an email - an electronic alternative to the online order form.

    Post count: 2134

    Apropos the website, still to do, when I find my round tuit:

    Sort out the RSS feeds, and get a link back on the home page to them

  • Make the downloadable gear order form able to be filled in and saved as a copy, and print in el cheapo black and white.
  • Now, where's that tuit?

    There is now a link to the "Most Recent Posts" on this Forum on our home page at bmwor.org.nz, but it doesn't display a list like the old page used ta do.Below that link is an RSS button to subscribe to the "feed" (which is at the bottom of every page on the Forum, anyway........................ Forget it, Bruce, people either "get" news feeds or they don't!)The Bwucie version of the main BMWOR News feed isn't quite there yet. It won't use Blogger, and it will be RSS, not Atom, and should be active sometime tomorrow.

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