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  • Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I recommend you don't try for 160000ks out of a set of Pirelli's, give up at 15 and save your money 🙁

    Thanks for testing that, now we don't have to. I gave up on my Tourance tires at 12000km, even then I never felt all that comfortable because of the puncture risk.

    Peter Hogg
    Post count: 4

    Bad luck about the metal in the gear oil.  Spoke to mechanic recently about problems with boxer gearboxes (R1100RT in my case) and was told the shifting forks are aluminium (!!!!!) with titanium case hardening over the top, so that if it wears through the titanium the fork wears out very quickly after that.  The good news about this is it may only be the selector forks, and not any of the gears themselves that need replacing in a rebuild. 🙂

    Post count: 267

    Well the box is out and in lots of bits (so is my pride and joy :-(). There is a taper roller bearing that has started to fail. Box is an M94 and has the clean bearings in it. I am replacing all bearings and seals, then putting the jigsaw back together. Plus new tyres 🙄 Clutch plate is below minimum wear limit so is also being replaced. Pre 97 replace plate and pressure plate as a unit 😡 And the bolts that hold it all together. Maybe BMW really does mean Bust My Wallet 😀

    Post count: 267

    Its alive I tell you, alive!!!Yes at last the beast is reborn. Gearbox cost $860 to have overhauled. Also replaced paralever rear pivot bearings and the clutch. Gave her a 40000km service, painted it blue and most importantly..................... changed the tyres, steel will not enhance the gripping abilty. Took her for a ride and I am a bit concerned, The transmission is very smooth. Most un BMW like 😀 I have used Motul Gearoil (yes thats its real name). Total cost, around $2500 😮 And now its snowing, may have to read the article about snow chains 🙄

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I glad you're on the road again. How much of the work did you do yourself? I've had to spend a bit of money on bikes lately, but I hope that's it for a while.

    Post count: 232

    What the hell it's only money 👿  Phil

    Post count: 267

    I outsourced the actual overhaul of the gearbox and also  the throttle synching (hope I spelt that right :roll:) to Alan DeLatour. My son did the paint job all the rest was done by yours truly. It sounds a lot ($2500) but when you look at the cost of parts ($860 for the clutch alone  :x) I think the total cost was reasonable. I do find it hard to accept that I can import 2 rocker covers, 4 indicators, a clutch lever, a headlight protecter. an oil filter plus fitting tool, a fuel filter, an air filter and new badges and transfers, pay import duty and GST plus the exchange rate for less than half the cost of purchasing locally. Worst of all the headlight protecter was produced in Hamilton originally. I am reluctant to point the finger at our local dealers/distibuters (as I believe they give exceptional support and pressumably only pass on costs plus a businesslike profit on parts)That said though I dont believe BMW is any worse than a great many importers who hold this fine country to ransom, RELEASE THE HOUNDS SMITHERS  👿

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Yes, it is hard to argue with the facts. I like to support my local dealer, but they are not making it easy sometimes. I hope the merger with Australia will make the prices a bit more equitable.  If not, there is always Visa and the Internet.

    Post count: 232

    Had the same trouble when I had a dare I say it.  A ” Ducati” cost of parts, they got no cheaper when Aust, took over  Phil

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