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BMW NZ dealers are offering a free oil and oil filter replacement if you get your pre-2005* BMW motorcycle (EXCLUDES SYNTHETIC OILS) serviced during July. Customers with applicable motorcycles serviced between 01 – 31 July will receive the oil and filter free of charge. This offer has a retail value of approx $75.00, a significant saving on your service costs.* Does not apply to BMW motorcycles with Service Interval Indicators, or requiring synthetic oils. Check your eligibility for this offer with your local dealer if you're unsure.
I took advantage of the offer last week and had Sebastion and the boys give the Cruiser the once over. Still an expensive excercise but worth it for peace of mind. After a lot of hard work she's looking much tidier and I'm waiting for a break longer than 10 minutes in the weather to go for a decent ride (Bwucie is heading to Rotorua on Sunday so fingers crossed). Ordered one of those fancy Accelerator booster plugs everyone is talking about in the hope of smoothing out the low speed jerkiness. Of course it could just be my unsteady hands, or perhaps I should just ride faster 🙄
Guest30/06/2010 at 12:31 amPost count: 2134Biggest improvement I made to low speed response of my R1100S was doing the valve clearances correctly and synchronising the throttle bodies, will pull from 1200RPM in 4th gear easy and 5th with care. Prior to doing valves & sync it was a bit flat below 2,200 RPM(thats without the booster plug)
Guest30/06/2010 at 7:50 amPost count: 2134I've just had my service with free oil and filterWhat I don't understand is being charged $25 for them to read a computer. Don't they need the computer to service the bike just like they need toolsBMW NZ can not do full updates on your bike computer now as updates are only done on line to Germany and NZ is not on line. So what are you paying for?Why does America have a 3 year warranty and NZ has only a 2 year warranty.
Have you asked them Dean?
Guest01/07/2010 at 8:19 pmPost count: 2134The computer stores any faults in a log so they read it to check the operating history of the bike since its last service, they do not need to be on line for this. OnBoard diagnostics or OBD as it is known in cars is really good I paid the $25 just to get mine read when I bought it Not reading the computer would be just an oil change
Guest02/07/2010 at 3:12 amPost count: 2134The computer stores any faults in a log so they read it to check the operating history of the bike since its last service, they do not need to be on line for this. OnBoard diagnostics or OBD as it is known in cars is really good I paid the $25 just to get mine read when I bought it Not reading the computer would be just an oil change
I was writing about updates not faults. Updates fixes any issues BMW have found with there bikes. We pay big dollars for these bikes surly BMW NZ / Australia should be tooled up ready for the changes to come out. Once again how do they service a bike without using a computer and why should we have to pay for it. Next we will have to pay a tool cost! There is a cost to run a business and the computer is a large part of there servicing. I don't on charge a computer cost in my business do you?
Guest02/07/2010 at 3:15 amPost count: 2134Have you asked them Dean?
No I'm asking others if it is ok to charge a tool cost. We did have fuel surcharges until it was found to be illegal as fuel is a cost to the business not an add on to the ticket price.
You tell em Dean, what about the charge to get rid of your old oil and filter when they sold it to you anyway ??? 🙄 and then probably onsell the old oil to a refining company too.
Guest02/07/2010 at 5:16 amPost count: 2134I cannot wait for that to happen, and would not put it past some to try.
They do it already and call it an environmental charge.
Guest02/07/2010 at 7:53 pmPost count: 2134It's not on any of my invoices
Just checked my invoice from October last year and it has on a $5 environmental charge, a $25 computer charge and a $10 workshop consumerables goodness knows what that covers !!!!! you can buy a lot of rags for $10 !!!I let them know how P*&&%^off I was about the environmental charge which they said was for getting rid of all old oil so maybe they got the message and hid it somewhere else now. 😡
Guest03/07/2010 at 6:02 amPost count: 2134It will be interesting how they charge Honda owners for a service. I can not see them excepting these add on's
Guest03/07/2010 at 7:15 pmPost count: 2134It will be interesting how they charge Honda owners for a service. I can not see them excepting these add on's
They seem to be fairly ubiquitous, we get similar with Haldanes for the HamBurgman, and the car franchises are real good at it too.Bought any paint lately? It also has an "environmental charge" built in, although you can take it to Resene and get rid of it there for free.
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