Home Forums General Discussion February Newsletter: (very) Early Deadline.

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    Post count: 2134

    The Editor's computer and box of tricks has arrived at El Presidente's house. The February Newsletter will be put together at Peter and Ann's house next week; very early on account of their commitments over the weeks following. The Tibbses live at the end of the known universe, on a dial-up connection, so they struggle with photos and large files.If you have material for the February Newsletter, please forward it to editor@bmwor.org.nz by Sunday 15th Dec: I will use my Ninja powers to get it to Masterton by a method other than email.Regretfully this deadline is was absolute, it's developed a very little bit of elasticity (see later post): Garry is off having a life, and the Newsletter has to fit around other people's.

    Post count: 280

    Expect a short item on the Wellington Branch December event. Could be last minute.

    Post count: 23

    I'm working on something from deepest Otago, should be this side of midnight…

    Post count: 2134

    There is a tiny bit of wriggle room, Andy, but I will be offline from about 0600 tomorrow, and not able to retrieve emails (including the Editor's: even Ninjageeks need a connection.)If anybody else has been out of the loop in the last few days, and has a passionate need to get something published, they will have to ring Tibsy and request he listens with his sympathetic ear; I can try the cell-phone trick if needs must to retrieve stuff. And there ain't much wriggle room for that, either. Deadlines is (should be) deadlines.

    Post count: 2134

    The Waka Holden is rolling in 30 mins. If anybody has not yet presented material, you better hope I find wifi available somewhere before I get to the end of the known universe, where Tibsy lives, otherwise you are S.O.L. (Stiff outta luck.)If you are S.O.L., I am sorry. circumstances beyond, and all that stuff, have necessitated the early deadline for February, and several of us have used electronic means to our mighty utmost to get as many contributors as possible: on behalf of the team I apologise, in advance, if your copy has not made it in.

    Post count: 23

    Posted at 4:37am? I merely lashed some words and pictures together and cast them into the ether before the real heroes took over.Never underestimate the bandwidth of a Holden on the highway, loaded with USB sticks and hard drives.

    Post count: 280

    At Last: Folding night tonight!

    Post count: 2134

    I've heard a lot of promises, but I've received no evidence the durn things gonna be there on time. I really hope you know something I don't. Of course, if the faeces do go through the fan, the team can still enjoy the fission chips.

    Post count: 280

    All done. mail out tomorrow.

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