Home › Forums › General Discussion › False Phishing Warning – Damn GOOGLE!!
Guest10/08/2015 at 12:59 amPost count: 2134Google have recently tinkered with their phishing warnings, and some internet users are being confronted by this:
There is nothing wrong with our site, but we are powerless to prevent Google, blast their eyes, from doing this to us. They are not even checking for hazardous code, their warning is triggered by "keywords within the site" which might even not be on the same pages! Go figure.It is perfectly safe to click on "Details" in their 'Red Wall Of Death' and continue to our site.
Thanks for the 'master webmaster in reserve' work on this problem, Bruce. Sticky post now added to front page.
Guest10/08/2015 at 4:08 amPost count: 2134If you are using Chrome Web Browser (or Chromium, for geeks like moi) you can go to 'Settings', then click '+Show Advanced Settings', then deselect, under the Privacy heading, 'Enable phishing and malware protection'.That will stop the 'Red Wall Of Death" for our website. Of course, it also means you have to look for yourself to see if a site is dodgy or not then. Which you might as well do, because that part of Chrome is bleddy flaky anyway. Couple of PCs in this house with the setting turned on in Chrome don't block us, another one does. Seems pretty nonsensical to turn something that hit and miss on at all: maybe Google should have checked it was reliable before releasing it in the wild.
Guest11/08/2015 at 8:18 pmPost count: 2134Fixed, apparently. Guess Google aren't so big they don't care after all: very timely response to my complaint.
Inactive11/08/2015 at 10:42 pmPost count: 128Nice work Bwucie – I've had experience (as has Black R1150RT) with blue screen a few years ago looking at a retro Suzuki site at work one day. Had the IT department in panic mode and with direct links to Denmark we could have bought the company down or so they had us believe 😛This latest red warning looked sinister but knowing you had it all under control I could sleep at night.Well done you 😀
Guest12/08/2015 at 4:33 amPost count: 2134Ha, ha! Nothing like killing work's server for making you sweat, eh? I too have one of those tee-shirts. I just gave you a heads up about a retro Suzuki, and no takers (Black R1150RT had a sniff, but). I need somebody to snap it up before I wind up launching myself on too much sports bike. 😮
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