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Morning all,We are looking at trip planning for a 2011 trip to Europe.Are any of you able to assist with what costs might be? I have the name of a group to ship the bike/s over. Which I'm thinking will have most, if not all of our gear going with it.It's more looking for accommodation costs and any other hidden costs that you might think of.We are looking at going for 2-4 Months.ThanksDave
You could get in touch with Barry (Bazz) Ulyatt. His contacts details are in the February newsletter. Or try Kevin Sargent, he's spent time in Europe as well. He'll be in the Tout Guide you've got.Garry
Hey Dave, 3 years ago I shipped my GS from Germany to NZ + later back to DubaiEverything was well organised by: http://www.ajbrown.co.nz/If u are looking at coming for up to 4 months, I'm sure u are going to stay at least 3,5 months in the most beautiful European country- Germany!! 😆If so, than don't hesitate to contact me for accommodation - I'm always happy to give back a bit of the hospitality I enjoyed in NZ....CheersBernd
Ingel will be able to help you with this.
Thank you, we have made the first step towards getting ready for the trip..That right, have just picked a bike up for my wife who would like us both to ride around Europe.
Hi Dave,An ex-pom here. Have a look at http://www.ukgser.com on there is a section about places to stay in UK/Europe. Also there is a section of various rides around Eurpoe/the world. Great site.Pete
Inactive12/04/2009 at 7:16 amPost count: 11Morning all,We are looking at trip planning for a 2011 trip to Europe.Are any of you able to assist with what costs might be? I have the name of a group to ship the bike/s over. Which I'm thinking will have most, if not all of our gear going with it.It's more looking for accommodation costs and any other hidden costs that you might think of.We are looking at going for 2-4 Months.ThanksDave
Check out the YHA (youth hostel assosiation) it's not just for kids, v cheap and comfortable. Camping also cheap, France and Spain have loads of affordable camp sites. You MUST do the Route de fromage in the Pyranees.
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