Home Forums Rides Calendar Eastern Taranaki gravel bash

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  • peter.trub
    Post count: 267

    10th – 11th of May I am looking at putting together a gravel rd exploration of East Taranaki. Starting in Pio Pio and ending at Mokau.It will include Kiwi Rd, Moki Rd, Taumatamarie Rd plus Ohura and Whanga. All Rds will be pillion friendly  😀  Still working on costs for accomodation, meals etc so if you are interested let me know.  😀

    Steve Applegath
    Post count: 22

    Keep us informed… should be a starter… saturday night deep in the backwoods sounds great>>> Neil

    Post count: 267

    Hi Colin – certainly keen – count me as a tentative subject to domestic calendar. Cheers S

    Post count: 68

    Great  😀You can pencil me in tooCheers Scott

    Post count: 267

    I have been out to the back of beyond today and checked out our accomodation.Costs areMeals $30Accomodation $25 Breakfast $8I can assure you the food is excellent as they fed me lunch (as only country folk do) and I waddled back to my bike very fat and happy. There is accomodation for up to 16 people in cabins and a cottage with a communal toilet block and showers (bring a torch for those midnight strolls) plus a cookhouse for those who self cater.Beds have linen supplied although she was concerned that if we filled the place warm blankets could be a premium. A good sleeping bag might be a good idea  😀There are also tent sites avaliable for the hard men among us  :mrgreen:

    Post count: 68

    Sorry but I am going to have to bail on this trip  🙁I forgot we had motor racing in Taupo that weekendBut I still expect lots of pictures and a good write upCheers

    Post count: 267

    hi Colin and others watching this thread – Colin have sent you a PM as I'm unable to make the weekend of 10/11 May.Since Zukin has had to decline also - any thoughts of moving it to say the following week?Gerard - you doing this? Cheers Aslan

    Post count: 267

    Unfortunatly the accomodation is not avaliable for the following weekend. Its is avaliable for the weekend prior though (3rd – 4th ). I had origanaly thought of this weekend but was worried it may be to soon after C.C.A for most people. An option for running a week later would be to stay at the Whanga. $100 p.p per night is a bit of a cost increase though 😮Like all things in life, if enough want to, you can change anything  😀

    Post count: 14

    Hi Col I cant make this date as well, it would be good if you could try and a range another time. Are we still on for our joy ride in the never never land this week end?  🙄

    David Yeo
    Post count: 30

    Hi Colin,Yes I work shifts I am a train driver. Work for Toll Rail.Sorry mate my calender says no to all those weekends mothers day,wedding anniversary and baby sit my kids mum has to work 😥 Who said life is fare? Thanks for the invite.  🙂

    Ron McFadzien
    Post count: 102

    Hello Colin & Team, sorry but this weekend doesn't work for me either. I have a trip to Kapiti Island booked for the 10th May, weather permitting. I am free most weekends after that and looking forward to another ride. This is assuming I get through the CCA intact. I will keep an eye on further devlopments given a date change I should be a starter.Cheers boGSer

    Post count: 267

    Well bugger as they say in Toyota land  😥I will check with the Accomodation and see if we can do it later in the year. People who own the beds and food are going on holiday to Holland 03/05/2008. Not sure when they will be back but I will find out. Wait right there and I will check some dates with them  😀Unless a heap of happy bikers jump up in the mean time and say yes yes the 10th works for us. 🙄

    Post count: 267

    Hi Col I cant make this date as well, it would be good if you could try and a range another time. Are we still on for our joy ride in the never never land this week end?  🙄

    Had not got a reply to my last email so I was going anyway Kev  😀 Bugger the lawns. Do we have a plan yet? Do you want to do it all in one day or two?

    Post count: 267

    Have given this some thought and I am not keen on doing this as a large group later in the year. It can get cold wet and slippery in the back blocks of them thar hills  😮 . I have opened up the run in another forum and if I get a minimum of six bikes  by the end of the month I will go with it. Less than that and I will can it until next spring / summer

    Steve Applegath
    Post count: 22

    right … put me down for one of those six… overnight or whatever … flexible…. Neil

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