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Guest11/11/2009 at 7:31 amPost count: 2134Alex's last offishul ride as lead scout is 20 Dec, and tradition (again) says the Register goes in hiatus until February, 'cos most of you lucky peoples have time off, so you hop on your scoots and go interesting places and do interesting stuff. I am jealous!!But I have to stay in town for work, so I will be getting the scoot out on the weekends. I have given Garry the dates I'm going for a ride, and he may or may not put them in the Newsletter, for you forum users, here you are, feel free to join me, please:Sunday 10 Jan 2010, leaving Papakura BP at 0930 for Kawhia. If we are keen, we might come home via Te Anga and Waitomo. Chook chaser boyz, lotsa dirt opportunities for you. Anyone from Waikato wants to Klingon, join us at Pirongia 1030-ish (there will be bikes outside the potties and the caff across the road. Some of them will be us, you betcha.)Sunday 24 Jan 2010, Lunch ride to Smashed Pipi Cafe, Mangawhai. There will, no doubt, be a group leave Starbucks Westgate at 0930.And as you start offishully in February, for your first proper rides for 2010:Waitangi Day. SATURDAY 06 Feb 2010 Aw, heck. How long since I've been to Okoroire Pub? Richard K. would know, 'cos he was there that day. Papakura at 0930. (And I've just noticed it is one year since the Register went there, so this becomes a tradition?)Sunday 21 Feb. Still long days of summer, so, lunch ride to Parua Bay Tavern or Cruzy Cray Cafe (they are opposite each other on Whangarei Heads Road at Parua Bay). Westgate at 0930.
Hi Bruce,Since you are an area rep, you can create events in the Forum calendar now 🙂
hey Neko. can u translate whats written above your post. Look like some form of out bak ozstralian language to meStevePS nice article on TV
Guest12/11/2009 at 4:28 amPost count: 2134Hi Bruce,Since you are an area rep, you can create events in the Forum calendar now 🙂
Yeah, Neko,I had a tip-toe around looking at stuff last night, but thought I would just taihoa until I have sat down with you or Alex and had a bit of a driving lesson. I don't mind wrecking my homepage, and I have done it a couple of times, but I shy away from rash moves on Work or Club sites.Mr Bell, Any self respecting Ocker would tell you "Bruce" is a Kiwi name: another example of trans-tasman differences being all the same. (Rather like the difference between a red-hot stove - the more you touch it, you can't.)I do have a gen-you-wine Akubra, to stop my snorer losing multiple layers of bark to the summer sun, but I am a died in the wool Bwucie, as in the Toyota ads. I even wear silly little shorts like the TV Bwucie, so although I have never been to India, I know all about the wind up the Khyber Pass............................
😕 Does your name actually spell “Bwucie”? If so, sorry. I thought that "Bwucie" is just your user name. 😳I created a document for how to enter events from the calendar long time ago to distribute it to area reps.I can email it to you.It is not that difficult to enter events for calendar.By the way, Alex gave me your ihug account for the Contact Us page of the main BMWOR web site.But I see that you are using Gmail account for this forum.Which email account shall I post the document to?
Guest13/11/2009 at 4:28 pmPost count: 2134The name on my Birth Certificate is Bruce, but I have been cursed with Bwucie since the Toyota advertisement about the “real van man”, back in the day.Please use my ihug address, Neko. Like a lot of people I use various webmail accounts to sign up to online forums, so that if they turn out to be toxic, nasty, or otherwise pestiferous I can just cancel the mail account and forget about the forum involved. After eleven years of use of BMWOR resources without trouble, I think I can assume I'm safe to use POP mail for them. 😀Kind regards,
BwucieBruce -
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