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I don't think the Poll identifies those who ride and those who don't. How do you know?
You read too much into this Malcolm. ;D Polls like this have entertainment value only. Once we get up to a couple of hundred votes we can make predictions. You know, I don't exactly lay awake at night wondering who rides and who doesn't. My prediction is that the newsletter will be around for a long while yet and my predictions are notoriously accurate 🙂
Inactive19/04/2011 at 4:11 amPost count: 182You read too much into this Malcolm. ;D Polls like this have entertainment value only. Once we get up to a couple of hundred votes we can make predictions. You know, I don't exactly lay awake at night wondering who rides and who doesn't. My prediction is that the newsletter will be around for a long while yet and my predictions are notoriously accurate 🙂
Blimey Alex....you couldn't see your way to predicting the Easter Lotto numbers could you,it would be realy usefull if you could PM them to me....not that I'm greedy or an unsharing type of person you understand Ha Ha
If I was any good with Lotto numbers, I'd be typing this from somewhere warm and exciting :-). I am the guy who predicted that Germany would never reunite in my lifetime, that was sometime in '88.
My prediction is that the newsletter will be around for a long while yet and my predictions are notoriously accurate 🙂
I hope you’re right Alex. Some thoughts on this issue. I am happy to download the rag and view it on screen or print it out myself. Only problem with online version for me is that I would like to see the whole page on screen but I have to blow it up a little to read 😮 so only get half a page on screen. Nice to see the colour though and my next upgrade will be with a 22" screen ;D. I like to have a hard copy lying about the house because if I want to refer to it for confirmation of a ride or other detail I can lay my hand on it without having to log on. I may pick it up to peruse a few times in the first days after receipt.Also for me it is much more pleasant to sit and scan the hard copy in the sun with a G&T than closeted in my little computer room. If I take the laptop outside I have issues with viewing the screen in the sunlight.As far as I can see the only reason for going electronic is to save money? Why do we need to save money. We cover (currently) the cost of producing the newsletter with a little over. We have heaps in the bank on term deposit, however costs are going up. Business cards for some of the executive is a relatively new thing and if the proposed exec and area rep meetings become a regular occurrence we will need to make savings in order to cover these expenses, or generate more funds in other ways. I suspect for some members the newsletter is the only contact they have with the club and may be sufficient for them to remain members. Would we lose members if they didn’t get a newsletter? Can we afford to lose members just to save money by going electronic? Would my perceived loss of members be outweighed by the savings made by discontinuing the hard copy newsletter? Probably but I would prefer to keep the members. Would members be expecting a reduction in fees if we were not incurring costs associated with printing and posting a hard copy? For the time being I’m for having both.Oh and who was it who said “don’t regret growing old, it’s a privilege denied to many”.
Most sensible reasons. Do you know a about using “control +” to increase the size of what is displayed on your screen? I use it more often these days.
Most sensible reasons. Do you know a about using "control +" to increase the size of what is displayed on your screen? I use it more often these days.
You need "control-" to decrease it afterwards. unless you want it to always open that size Regards Phil
Thanks guys, I didn't know and it is useful but I think a bigger screen will stay on my list of must haves 😀
Thanks guys, I didn't know and it is useful but I think a bigger screen will stay on my list of must haves 😀
Big is good
The strength of any club, group etc is not in how much money it has in the bank but in its membership. Keeping those members interested and active is the mystery. News Letters are one way of taking the “Group” to its membership.The Internet relys on bringing its membership to the group.Righto, you have a think about that while I go fetch my pipe and slippers, settle into an easy chair and read this thing what I get from my letter box.Believe it or not there is a whole world of things that arn't on a computer. ;DNo you cant Google it 😉
This was a discussion point way back in 2007……………still nothing happend to date!!http://bmwor.org.nz/forum/index.php/topic,678.0.html
This was a discussion point way back in 2007...............still nothing happend to date!!
Good one, however the current discussion started in a different in a slightly different vein and it was I think Gr82briding who raised the electronic V hard copy issue in this series of posts. From available details he was not a subsciber in 2007 so wouldn't have been aware of previous discussion.All of that apart the issue will be there until a change is made and I can't see that happening any time soon.Interesting though to go back and read the posts made at that time and I would think very few if any have changed their view. 😀
If mankind as a species was to never go backover any issues that had already been discussed we would all be wearing uncured skins of dead animals have hairy armpits, and sit round quietly wondering what to talk about ;DI dont agree with doing away with the news letter :'( That doesnt mean it cant be discussed ;D
As part of the folding team last night, I was privy to the release of the newsletter in FULL COLOUR. Look forward to it; you will be impressed. I must confess when I heard about the inquires going on for a colour Newsletter, I was sceptical, as I had gone through the same exercise when I was editor. I had a sample copy printed in colour, but the end result was shiny pictures that did not look good at all. This month's edition is using different paper and a different printing system. I put my hand up for the continuance of this very much improved Newsletter.I am sure you will share my enthusiasium when you receive your copy before this weekend: - Posted out today.
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