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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    Yes the links are broken. No, they are not. My Flash and mozilla profile were broken.)  That is to say they do not point at a downloadable file, so they do not do what they purport to.Yes, you do need to sign up to Issuu and login to download from there.I can't simply edit the links, because I don't know the absolute path to where Garry has put the files. This doesn't apply since I found the fix)I was going to download them to my local disc, then create a directory on our web server (not Blogspot or Issuu's servers) and make the links point at the files there, but given the debate about when is appropriate to upload the newsletter, and my views being different to Garry's, and the files being Garry's, I prefer to just keep my big snorer out of it.This means the Red Baron and others will have to learn to read their printed newsletters, because sometimes I forget, don't find time, get disorganised and lose the plot and don't always put the runs on the forum, so by the time the newsletter is uploaded some of the dates for runs will have passed.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Downloading works for me, two clicks only. Here is the link.https://acrobat.com/app.html#d=Aja2aJV9vFtecgLJ3MLTiQand it's from this pagehttp://bmwor.blogspot.com/2011/04/april-newsletter.html

    Post count: 2134

    Gets very murky: DOES work on one of my computers, running Firefox 4, but fails with the black wall of death that Matthias is getting on the other, in FF3 and FF4 and Chromium 12, even though both machines are using the same FF profile.Beats me with a stick.

    Post count: 60

    Both download links work fine for me using Firefox 3.6.16 on Mac, for what that's worth

    Post count: 2134

    Yep, I have found a cure, if anybody is interested in opening the bonnet of their browser to fix the problem, which is a combination of a Flash setting and the Firefox profile's .ini file.Having fixed it myself, I dunno if it's worth the effort unless you are either a bloody minded fanatic like me, or you are getting Flash "error 2046" on lots of other pages as well.If you really need a cure, and your browser uses your mozilla profile (Chrome and Chromium both do if you also have Firefox installed) email me: bwucie@gmail.com and I'll send you a howto, with screenshots and text.  You may still nuke your browser profile and lose your bookmarks, so back them up if you want to try.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Works for me on Explorer, Firefox and Chrome. I seem to be using Chrome the most.

    Post count: 2134

    Works for me on Explorer, Firefox and Chrome. I seem to be using Chrome the most.

    Yeah, I generally use Chromium (same difference, except that Chromium is the daily build, Chrome is the stable version).  I have had this kind of breakage with mozilla profiles before, they can get knocked around by plugins and extensions, and I normally fault find and fix rather than just start a new profile.  I suspect nobody will have too much trouble with Internet Explorer: one thing IE does do is generally play nicely with Flash.  I don't use IE at all, myself: they don't have a version for Linux ;D

    Edward Hunkin
    Post count: 11

    Call me dumb  😮 , but I'm having trouble downloading the Newsletter from the blog site.  This doesn't appear to be a regular link to a PDF file.  Clicking it takes me to Acrobat.com, which complains bitterly that I haven't got the latest Flash Player.  I wouldn't think I need a Flash player to download a PDF?  ???Matthias

    I can get the links to work for me using Opera, FF3, Chrome and IE on my broadband internet connection - all take their time getting the Flash application to load though, which is probably a function of our local Telecom network load.It seems, however, that the latest version of Flash Player is needed - the ACROBAT.COM page is a Flash application that allows reading of the PDF format newsletter online.  This is all very fancy, probably won't work on a dial-up internet connection and way over-the-top in my opinion for BMWOR.The April newsletter is 19 Mb PDF file download, which is another big ask for a dial-up internet connection!!  I am pretty sure a much smaller website file version could be made and that it would still suitable for home printing.Also, how about just a simple download link that also shows the file size so users can make an informed decision whether to download or not depending on the performance of their internet connection.CheersBrian Z

    Post count: 128

    I think it's probably time to “call time” on this computer name dropping, wisecracking, ego “BS” and just send a bl..dy newsletter once a month. I'm happy to pay a little extra for the pleasure of collecting it from the letter box each month. >:(Herr Baron

    Post count: 2134

    I think it's probably time to "call time" on this computer name dropping, wisecracking, ego "BS" and just send a bl..dy newsletter once a month. I'm happy to pay a little extra for the pleasure of collecting it from the letter box each month. >:(Herr Baron

    You already are. You just don't read it.What all the discussion and computer namedropping BS is showing is that a simple link without all the Flash applications involved is still the best option.  Flash is what sucks. 

    Post count: 128

    I think it's probably time to "call time" on this computer name dropping, wisecracking, ego "BS" and just send a bl..dy newsletter once a month. I'm happy to pay a little extra for the pleasure of collecting it from the letter box each month. >:(Herr Baron

    You already are. You just don't read it.What all the discussion and computer namedropping BS is showing is that a simple link without all the Flash applications involved is still the best option.  Flash is what sucks. 

    We most certainly do and in fact we look forward to it. I presume Bwucie your second sentence is a typo  >:(

    Post count: 305

    Ahhh, the memories…I cast my mind back to 2007 (http://bmwor.org.nz/forum/index.php/topic,678.0.html) when a similar poll/thread/conversation took place.  The curmudgeons of the time could think of no better alternative than donning their slippers and dressing gowns and shuffling their zimmer frames out to the post box to collect their rightly god-given papyrus newsletter in their hands, shuffle back to the house and read it over an herbal tea.Times have changed (but not by much), and the debate now turns to "I want to click on a link to read the e-newsletter, but it takes too many clicks!  Just forget it!  It's too hard!  Post it to me."  Where are my slippers?We (yes, I include myself as I can now converse intelligently on reading glasses and hospital food) need to modernise.  We can't expect for things to go on indefinitely without change.  If something DOES change, it's not the end of the world.  I honestly thought four years ago that my offer to opt out of the paper newsletter would help the club.  Alas, it was too hard.  I don't know how much it costs to print and post the newsletter, but it can't be cheap.  For the bandwidth (sorry, wanky BS web jargon) included in the price of the website, it could only be a fraction of that cost to let people download it, whatever method we choose.Curmudgeons?  Zimmer frames?  Slippers?  Sorry.  Go ahead, let me have it.  Just understand that you'll be giving it back to the young hoon of the group, and he's 44.Modernise, folks.  There are new, younger members out there reading this, and they're dying to tell us which platform to host our documents on, which software to use, and which cloud to store it on.DTY(I'm liking the "hosted" acrobat document over the issu one by the way)

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    If I remember correctly, there would have to be a major swing towards an electronic newsletter before there are any savings. From memory, and these days it doesn't mean much, the price goes up for printing fewer copies. I am not sure what the deal with the postage is, it could be similar, though. We could identify the worst Luddites and print a few copies locally for them. This would allow such features as font size 16. The extra space needed for this could come from removing the rides calendar, as most of these people don't ride anyway. However, considering the recent growth of the "for sale" section, it may not work.

    Post count: 102

    Go Dave! Who would have thought a septic tank would talk so much sense?!

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    We could identify the worst Luddites and print a few copies locally for them. This would allow such features as font size 16. The extra space needed for this could come from removing the rides calendar, as most of these people don't ride anyway. However, considering the recent growth of the "for sale" section, it may not work.

    Apparently you know them already Alex, "as most of them don't ride anyway".

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