Hey there, as my wife (Honda Africa Twin 750) and me (GS 1200) are new to NZ, I wonder if some of you can come up with some logged tracks I could use with MapSource?Or do you know where to find them?I'd appreciate all suggestions!Thx youCheers Juergen
Hallo Juergen, willkommen im Forum :-D. Sorry I can't help you with your query, but there are plenty of people here with GPS experience, so you should get some answers soon.Cheers,Alex
did i ever tell you about the incident at the Auckland Court.well there was this Cherman fellow appearing whom had been a bit naughty. He was playing ze old no speakin da englush.so they Judge being a forward thinking chap (thats why he is a Judge) asked did anyone speak cherman.well ther is one in every crowd and up pops this maori character and goes " Fhat isss your name' is the best german voice he could muster. bloody funny, ya had to be there