I left early from the Tavern but it was still a great ride. Thanks to Alex for leading the way on the metal which I also returned on to avoid the check points – and I did. I need to build confidence on the metal but I am looking forward to longer offroad rides. The posts about the wet tar sound horrifying. Some of the standards here do seem illogical – speed cops everywhere but wet tar is OK!!!!Having splashed out on new BMW gear, I have to admit to reluctantly wearing the day glow vest but I notice that others wearing them stand out a mile. I don't want to tempt fate but apart from the blow out of a front tire at 120k on an enduro, the only serious trouble I have ever encountered on a motorbike is thro' not being seen by other drivers - and the headlight doesn't always help if it isn't pointing pretty much straight at the other driver. In 10 years riding in UK 3 cars pulled out on me claiming not to have seen me - and I couldn't avoid hitting any of them - the last one hard enough to lose a lot of blood, break several bones and lose 3 days which are still completely blank. Being clearly seen definitely helps keep you safe.Peter