Home Forums Ride Reports Cabin fever cure

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    Post count: 12

    Feeling a little cabin fever coming on after all the rain we have been having recently I saw some blue sky yesterday morning so decided to go for a ride around the east cape and back via the Waioeka gorge home to Pakihi (20km inland from Opotiki) It is a great ride despite lots of patch repairs being done or recently done as far as Te Aroha so if their wasn’t lose gravel on every corner you still had to ride as if their was. The ride back home via the gorge was great the road is in the best condition I have seen in ages no road works bugger all lose stones apart from a few falling off the cliffs That has to be one of the best bike roads in NZ 

    Post count: 102

    I have to agree with you. I rode the Waioeka a few weeks ago and it's got to be one of the best roads in terms of surface conditions, scenery, twisties and lack of traffic in the North Island!CheersGr82briding

    Post count: 66

    i agree the gorge is a great riders road. but after the storm early this year, the east cape road was washed away beyond the centre line in places and rock falls and greasy cleaned up clay slips made it less pleasurable. that and persistent rain made the length of the waioeka the final straw of a long ride. a great reason to try it again in better conditions.i had no cabin fever after that. in fact i was grateful of the warmth and comfort the cabin afforded me.

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