Home Forums General Discussion Bus lanes in Auckland

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    Cycles, motor cycles and buses are entitled to use bus lanes and therefore can take advantage of any bus pre-emption signals or B phase signals.Don't let the Police give you a ticket for riding a red light when you have used an B phase signal. I use these B lights all the time. http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/auckland/Transport/buses/lanes.asp

    Edward Hunkin
    Post count: 11

    Cycles, motor cycles and buses are entitled to use bus lanes and therefore can take advantage of any bus pre-emption signals or B phase signals.Don't let the Police give you a ticket for riding a red light when you have used an B phase signal. I use these B lights all the time. http://www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/auckland/Transport/buses/lanes.asp

    Thats an interesting interpretation of the Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004, Section 3.6: Traffic signals in form of T or B, which can be seen at: http://www.legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2004/0427/latest/DLM303066.htmlIt seems that although motorcycles can use Bus Lanes only a bus driver can legally proceed on a white "B" signal - I'm not sure I would want to be the first one to test the Auckland City interpretation of this road user rule, even though it makes perfectly good sense!!

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    just tell the cops Dean said you could. should be no problems at all

    Post count: 2134

    I would enjoy the debate may be we  could put the hat around for my court costs. At long last Mr Bell knows who is god around here! 😮

    Post count: 37

    This is just typical of our gummint bureaucrats producing loopholes for innocent people to be hounded by cops because the cost of fighting it through the court system is beyond the average worker. And they know it, but do they care?Just ask the bus driver in Gore.GOM Slak

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    I would enjoy the debate may be we  could put the hat around for my court costs. At long last Mr Bell knows who is god around here! 😮

    yeah the only thing is Dean, god is spelt backwards  🙄

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    It's been a few years since I commuted to the city but the first time I used the bus lanes and was first in line at the priority lights I was unsure quite what to do but I figured holding up a bus was not going to be appreciated.  I never found out what the law is but surely if one can use the lane then it follows that one should follow the traffic signals applying to that lane.

    Post count: 2134

    It's been a few years since I commuted to the city .................................

    I am so waiting for the chance to not have to commute, and people like you (and G. Haffenden) keep reminding me some of you are already so fortunate.Oh well, only two years, eleven months and two days to go, but who's counting?I think when I do stop commuting I will miss the excitement of pedalling across South Auckland twice a day - YEAH, RIGHT!

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Bruce, I said commute to the city mate, I still commute on the north shore, further I do van deliveries between 1pm and 3pm and it can get a little hectic at times.  It's interesting how many times I'm beeping/cursing some silly old coot at intersections/lights/round abouts – then realize I look a bit like the silly old coot I'm cursing.  😡

    Post count: 2134

    Just read the Auckland city rules at the link  in the original post –  text below is lifted directly from the bylaw: "Cycles, motor cycles and buses are entitled to use bus lanes and therefore can take advantage of any bus pre-emption signals or B phase signals."  Can't see how this is ambiguous

    Post count: 2134

    Those who post on other NZ bike web sites should post about the bus lanes so the Police can stop there tax collection and may be the police could use some common sense 😮  My wife spotted the police writting tickets to bikers in Lincoln Road Henderson  bus lane which is not in Auckland City council control.How about the police who are on this site come back with some answers in the next few days 🙄

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    Those who post on other NZ bike web sites should post about the bus lanes so the Police can stop there tax collection and may be the police could use some common sense 😮  My wife spotted the police writting tickets to bikers in Lincoln Road Henderson  bus lane which is not in Auckland City council control.How about the police who are on this site come back with some answers in the next few days 🙄

    Dean one of my windows is leaking. can you tell me whats wrong with it and could you come and fix it since it looks like it was installed incorrectly. 🙄re the bus lane why dont you ask your wife does she not work for Waitakere City Council. She should no as they are the ones that put the bus lane in for some reason, the police only enforce the rules they dont make them.

    Post count: 2134

    Next time you will buy better joinery 😉Just like the new crazy round about law. This country is the only place you have to stop for an orange traffic light if you drive through a red light you get a ticket but allowing the police to decide on when you get a ticket on a orange light 🙄Just ask her what kind of rubbish the police come up with when she gets an event for the city. Who runs the city the rate payers or the police. Now the police want to fine you when you disagree   

    Post count: 2134

    I checked with waitakere City , they claim not to have bus lanes per se , but are planning them. The bit in Lincoln road is apparently not a bus lane nor is the bit coming off Teatatu road. The interesting  part was that they plan NOT to allow motocycles in their future bus lanes as they want to discourage motorcycles generally on the basis that they are too dangerous (Well done those ACC (as in levy) people).  However Bicycles will be allowed to share the bus lanes! Their new plan will be out for submissons / comment sometime in the future.

    Post count: 2134

    I checked with waitakere City , they claim not to have bus lanes per se , but are planning them. The bit in Lincoln road is apparently not a bus lane nor is the bit coming off Teatatu road. The interesting  part was that they plan NOT to allow motocycles in their future bus lanes as they want to discourage motorcycles generally on the basis that they are too dangerous (Well done those ACC (as in levy) people).  However Bicycles will be allowed to share the bus lanes! Their new plan will be out for submissons / comment sometime in the future.

    Can  you give me the name of the council person you spoke to. Roll on the super city I have not meet one Watakere counciler I would ever vote for with lot we have in.

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