Home Forums Rides Calendar BP Papakura, 0930, 13 Feb. Little and local, South.

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    Post count: 2134

    A tiki tour around some of the local South Auckland twist'ems, The after match: a quick dash round the local supermarket, maybe a sub group in charge of a quick visit to the Takanini Cheescake shop, then burn a barbie, Chez Crowther for the Kerry Red Baron and Bwucie "almost birthday" bash.Kerry's and my personal challenge will be to see who can come up with the cheapest, naffest prezzie for each other.  I should be a shoo-in to win, I'm sure I have poorer taste than she does.

    Post count: 2134

    After a recent misadventure involving a bike disappearing into the weeds for no apparent good reason, there has been a bit of conversation about the thought processes involved in getting a bike into and out of a corner all shiny side up.Several of us actively endorse track days, BRONZ Ride Right Ride Safe, and advanced rider training generally, but for a combination of factors involving today's mayhem lifestyle, some folk just don't find the time, money or inclination.SO............ as this is a little and local ride, which tends to attract new/born again riders, we will dismount during the day's travels and WALK some corners and hold a roadside workshop/corroboree/brainstorming session about roadcraft, observation, and getting in and out of corners shiny side up.  This will NOT be a lecture, but an experience sharing occasion, which will hopefully spark a few brain atoms into absorbing some "keep you alive" ideas.As well as those willing to absorb and learn, input from some of those that DO participate in track days and training, like Neko and Rob, with his RIC (Rips Into Corners) cap, would be appreciated, if they would care to share.This will not interfere with lunch or ice cream, or barbecuing.  ;D

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Thanks a lot for the rider training today Bwucie, it was great, you obviously put in a lot of time and effort to organise it along with your helpers, Paul, Paul and Wendy (even though you looked awful and in pain mate, I hope the finger heals quickly) Adrienne, and all others who contributed, it was well worth it.Im sure we all got a lot out of it, I know I did.  ;DCheersJim

    Post count: 151

    Ditto  🙂You must spent time to plan the route and where to stop.I wish that someone could take a photo of us while we were riding, as it must look strange that a small scooter was leading many big motorcycles  ;D

    Post count: 72

    Young Jim you are welcome. I have to say nobody noticed yours truely leaving his darn gloves locked in the top box. This was after stop # 1 and least one hold up proceedings chanced the next stage without them. The nakedness causes about 10km/h drop even in familiar corners

    Post count: 2134

    I felt like a fraud when I saw who turned up, but it proves my long-held conviction that training tends to be for those people that are already, by their thirst for knowledge and experience, the most qualified.  It was also great to see all the “Master Riders” involved in so much discussion: if you wonder some riders get so good, look no further than this lot – they are all willing to share their experiences, and all willing to embrace new knowledge themselves.  I hope my contribution of how an ex-cocky reads the rural road environment has given the townies a slightly enhanced look at how many more different ways to find an accident on a country road there are than you'ld first think.Great to see Graham back with us, after his off, and that Kerry didn't give him too much of a hard time.  Like Rincewind, he looked slightly "underwhelmed" when he got presented with his "Tits Up Award".  OK, I'll grant them a rubber glove isn't the ideal mould to use to create a plaster-of-paris udder: just think of it as conceptual art.I should, according to my original schedule, be well on the way to Wellington by now, but have delayed my departure because UncaMoose and I both forgot to put Wendy's Scrapbooks in his topbox to go back to Pukekohe before being taken to the Auckland meeting this evening.  Wendy has been working on them for ages, and they finally surfaced yesterday - "them" not "it".  They are not scrapbooks, they are artworks.  She made two copies, one for Team Foley themselves, and another as an almost birthday prezzie for moi.  They are amazing.  So I delayed my departure to arrive in Pukekohe to give them the books to take to the meeting, except I'm only giving them one.  The other is going to Wellington to the Committee Meeting, where it can be passed around to save me giving an Area Report.  Wendy has encapsulated what we do in a way I could never achieve.The only shadow on the day yesterday was not having Kerry Red Baron along to share our almost birthday.  Her family have had to cope with death in the family this weekend, and our hearts go out to her.  We'll make up for it next year, darlin'!

    Like Tony O' always says, organising bikers is like herding cats.  YoungJim and Rusty monkeying around.P2130011.jpgI don't know how much Josh, on the right of the photo, took away from the day, other than I'm sure he now thinks all old people are deranged.  The group looked pretty dour when I got them to say, "cheese".  This is the say, "Sex" photo, and it seems to have triggered fond memories.P2130014.jpg

    Post count: 182

    Well what can I say,seems like you guys had a lot of fun on Sunday,glad to see Graham has his machine back in order.We had commitments on Sunday so the bike didn't even get fired up this weekend.Your quite right in your observation Bwucie,I was definatley underwhelmed by my TITS UP award,I can't believe you guys went to so much trouble, even to the point of driving all the way up to the Red Barrons nest to present it,thats just true clubmanship[ Ha HaBarbara and I will be away from this Friday onwards and back on the 27th we are driving down to the south Island to take in the sights of Nelson Bleheim Queensown Wanaka etc......so we will no doubt see you the following Sunday.We may make this evenings meeting,depends on workload and traffic etc.RegardsRincewind

    Post count: 60

    Not only an enjoyable day out in the country, but a great opportunity to think a little more deeply about how we ride and the hazards that lie in wait for us out there. Very well organised by Bruce, complete with warning signs for approaching traffic as we stopped as a group and walked the road in places. Good discussions and a great sharing of ideas and experiences. I think that everyone present will be seeing the road with slightly different eyes as a result. Thankfully we kept Tony's comments restricted to motorbike riding matters and away from politics although Bwucie did give him a perfect opening at one point. And I'm sure some of the local's wondered what the heck was going one when Bwucie was yelling at a volume high enough for a group of spread out bikers wearing ear-plugs and helmets to be able to hear. At one point a herd of steers wandered 100 metres across a field to find out what he was going on about. And that's no bull.So well done Bwucie and everyone who turned up to learn or share or both.

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