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Guest05/03/2010 at 7:56 amPost count: 2134I am not offering any opinion or endorsement, and I ain't rushing for the credit card to spend US$150 + P&P, but someone may want to after they visit this website I fell over. If you do invest, post a report here!http://www.boosterplug.com/index.html
Guest05/03/2010 at 8:33 amPost count: 2134If what he is suggesting is correct then all you need to do is put 2 AIT sensors in series and slug the second one with a 5 k resisor and the job is done. The range it needs to be accurate over is only 0 to 30 C as out side of that I would be focussing on things other than performance - like where is the closest warm placeI will give it a crack and reckon I can do one for under $50 kiwi
There's a somewhat cheaper alternative that claims to do the same thing, but only for the BMW boxer models at:http://www.sol2.be/Accelerator/English/index.htmlThere's a long thread about this and other possibilities at the UK GSer site:http://www.ukgser.com/forums/showthread.php?t=210687and some dyno results at:http://www.ukgser.com/forums/showthread.php?t=211566For GBP 219 I would certainly hope the Power FRK module is better than the Accelerator module and the Boosterplug. See:http://www.powerfrk.com/en/default.htmBTW the price for the Boosterplug includes P&P. The Accelerator is 32euro + presumably some extra for postage outside Europe.
Guest07/03/2010 at 1:32 amPost count: 2134If you read the FAQ section you will see this is exactly waht I described, placing a suitable selected additional NTC in series will track the OE one and add an offset which equates to about a 20 degree shift from 0 to + 50 degrees . slugging it is required to make it track below 0 The cost is in the connectors - The Power FRK is a rip off as it is basically teh same thing for a buckload more.
Hi All,I took the punt and ordered an accelerator cable for my R850R and a fellow work mate with a 2005 R1200GS bought one as well. http://www.sol2.be/Accelerator/English/index.htmlWe must have ordered them on the day that the Iceland volcano decided to pop its top as they took over a month to deliver, but I fitted mine last weekend and noted easier starting and a quicker throttle response. The bike seems to have a little more lower down power, as it pulls as soon as you squirt the throttle.I have not gone far enough to see if the fuel consumption is greatly affected, but from initial response - money well spent. I even took it out and checked the bike out to confirm the effects of having fitted the cable were real.There are different models for the different engine sizes, but "non believers" with an R850R are more than welcome to test ride my cable 😮I will post the results of my workmates R1200GS when he gets it fitted.Cheers,Mike
Inactive27/05/2010 at 10:09 amPost count: 42I ordered the Accelerator unit for an unchipped Rockster with cat, it arrived today, in less than a week, installed in a minute and voila! I emailed the chap in Belgium to say thanks as this is the bees knees and feels much better. Here's the link: http://www.sol2.be/Accelerator/English/index.htmlThe English syntax is quaint and requires patience.
Guest29/05/2010 at 12:45 amPost count: 2134Half way through building my own version spent a whole $3.53 so far, next bits are the expensive ones (the connectors) . I am also making mine switchable so I can choose economy or performance. Looks like I will be up for around $23 all finished. Might also do a -30 shift one as well as I now have a modified pipe on the bike and am contemplating tackling the air intake to get better flow through the engine.
Inactive12/06/2010 at 10:28 amPost count: 1I'd be keen on building a setup for my R1100, FYI: I've already designed/built a fix for the ABSII Battery fail problem – (latching relay , initiated once alternator pumps out charge; only unlatches once ign off, won't unlatch if engine stalls)
Guest15/06/2010 at 12:47 amPost count: 2134I still ain't gonna spend US$150, and until I saw Mike's posts I wasn't going to spend €40 either.But I sent the big fat credit card on a mission in the early hours of this morning, and my module will be mailed tomorrow.See if it tames the beast a bit through traffic sometime next week, I hope.I'm sure Billy and Sean will both build something cheaper, and could even be better, but for those of us with no hand skills €40 doesn't sound too bad.
I still ain't gonna spend US$150, and until I saw Mike's posts I wasn't going to spend €40 either.But I sent the big fat credit card on a mission in the early hours of this morning, and my module will be mailed tomorrow.See if it tames the beast a bit through traffic sometime next week, I hope.I'm sure Billy and Sean will both build something cheaper, and could even be better, but for those of us with no hand skills €40 doesn't sound too bad.
Let's hope it works as advertised
Guest24/06/2010 at 3:10 amPost count: 2134Cable arrived yesterday, and I finally got my mitts on it this morning when I picked it up from the Post Office. Just looks like a bit of wire with a connector each end.Took my clumsy fingers three minutes to fit - the sensor fitting is tucked away under some spaghetti and I needed a screwdriver and some long nose pliers to reach, so ninety seconds to find them on my chaotic bench, 90 seconds to do the job.It will get road-tested on the way to work in the morning, but it is already clear it's not JUST a piece of wire. The bike does not like to idle on first start without the idle-advance lever being pulled up halfway normally, with the cable fitted it chugs over happy as Larry at a steady 1,000 rpm: at which rate of tickover it would normally stall while cold.
Mine should be here by Saturday then.
Guest24/06/2010 at 9:20 amPost count: 2134Mine should be here by Saturday then.
You are a sly dog, Alex, where did that come from? Must justa been the way I read your last post, I thought it indicated doubt about the product, "Let's hope it works as advertised". I assume you bought one for the black "commuter bike"?
Yep, that's what it's for. The bike still has more pinging than I would like. These bikes are set up a bit lean from what I read. My hope is that the booster plug will fix this.
Guest25/06/2010 at 5:56 amPost count: 2134Yep, that's what it's for. The bike still has more pinging than I would like. These bikes are set up a bit lean from what I read. My hope is that the booster plug will fix this.
It certainly should do the trick: my eleven-hundy-ess is so much easier to ride in traffic it is hard to credit. It will roll down almost to idle without having to declutch, and it will roll on again without snatching or yumping. Even with the traffic being silly, as aways, in the rain I made way fewer gear changes than normal on the way home tonight.I'm tickled pink, so I am: Plunket Ave being closed to complete SH20 link for six weeks, the Bee-em will be doing a bit of commuting, because I ain't getting up before 0400 hrs to get to work, which is what I would have to do on the pushbike, because of the detour involved.
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