Home Forums General Discussion BMWOR newsletter comes to an end?????

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  • Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Many of the folk I know of have more than one airhead - they can be addictive!

    I have myself and the R80GS, does that count as two?  It would be great to resurrect the classic corner. I'd love to learn more about servicing and repairing these bikes. Mainly  though because I enjoy riding the Basic. Should I set up a classic corner section in the forum?

    Post count: 305

    Excellent, The June and July newsletters have been put on the site!If we can lift the bar a little to make their posting date resemble the mailout date, you can keep my part of the tree.  And the postage!

    Post count: 400

    Hear – hear….. 😆

    Post count: 280

    Membership Secretary has a record (of sorts) of airhead owners. Don't know if he can “sort” that info. but it is in the database.If I were editor, I might search the web and find links to tech items and see if permission could be sought for regular/occasional use in the Register newsletter, under an "Airheads" heading. (I will not be standing in October!)Sue wrote earlier, "A lot of discussion about the costs,  has anyone checked with other printing companies the cost to produce our Newsletter?"When I took up editor, I got 3 quotes (Work for Govnmt.) I chose the best one then. After a name change, they are now Print Stop. This company was recommended from yet another earlier editor. This was pre Register web site days. As it turned out when the current editor took office, we carried on with the folding/mail out responsibility and we continued to use the same printer.

    Post count: 400

    I see the club is growing 👿23 members already, steady now boys 😀

    Post count: 400

    Thx guys, for the whole membership of the club that voted. 👿 😛

    Post count: 400

    And page 11 of the September newsletter? 😕 😉

    Post count: 400

    Hello all.See the latest news letter also mentions the costs.  Hope all will be sorted at the AGM. 😕Start the discussion early so that there is still time to eat dinner 👿Ride safe and stay on two wheels. 😎 😎

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