Home Forums General Discussion BMWOR newsletter comes to an end?????

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    Recently the whole website, including the forum was moved to a different server. As well as that, a different programming system has been used. As a result the admin page was the last item that came back online a week ago. Full functionality was only restored during the last couple of days.On the bright side, the rides have been published in the last two newsletters and they are listed under rides in the forum, as well as on the new ride calendar. Tomorrow's ride to Kawhia is also listed on the homepage under events. I hope  you have managed to find the information anyway. 😉Alex

    Alex thanks for the reply. I would like to point out the following. 1, The new letters has the link to the web site not the forum site.2, Members look on the web events site for club rides .3, What about our only web sponsor Tony who pays money to advertise on the site only to find he is paying for dead space. Should he get a refund

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    What's your point? The events will be listed on the homepage as usual, I gave you a reason for the delay. As you have pointed out, the newsletter contains the web address on the front page, therefore people will end up on the homepage and will  see Tony's ad. The forum statistics back this up. As a matter of fact, visits have nearly doubled in the last few months, so I am confident that Tony is getting more exposure from the website than he did when he first signed on as a sponsor.I am sure Tony appreciates your concern, but I don't think you have too much to worry about. Tony is a businessman and a supporter of the Register, I am sure if he had any concerns he would not hesitate to express them. As you are a businessman yourself, you may wish to consider placing an ad on the website in support of the Register.  Alex

    Post count: 2134

    I'll just ride my bike and move on 😐 

    Post count: 400

    Mmmmm…….. 😮

    Angus CHAMBERS – 3231
    Post count: 2

    Alot of discussion about the costs,  has anyone checked with other printing companies the cost to produce our Newsletter? Sometimes the more you buy the cheaper things are per copy.If we start purchasing 300 and the balance by internet how does that change the costs?  more? less?.  We need to do some more homework before the AGM so we have all our facts.

    Post count: 305

    Personally, I would be happy not to receive the hard copy in the mail if there was an electronic (web/pdf/whatever) version.  However, I would have to be confident that the e-version would appear in a timely manner.  The newsletter on the Register site is only current to May 2007.  To save the editor's bandwidth (and my inbox), I wouldn't want it emailed.  If it appeared on the Register site at the same time as the hard copy arrived, the electronic option would be great!Dave

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Alot of discussion about the costs,  has anyone checked with other printing companies the cost to produce our Newsletter? Sometimes the more you buy the cheaper things are per copy.If we start purchasing 300 and the balance by internet how does that change the costs?  more? less?.  We need to do some more homework before the AGM so we have all our facts.

    I think they have done the research and will be prepared for the AGM. If we had more people who would be prepared to advertise in the newsletter it would solve a lot of problems. On a positive note, at the last committee meeting it was mentioned that BMW Australia have renewed their advertising with the club. For a while they had withdrawn it. Most Australian clubs of similar size to ours have a lot more advertising in their newsletter. 

    Post count: 86

    I know of several members of long standing who have dropped out as they no longer feel that the register was relevant to them, generally they are pre oilhead owners /riders of older bm's.There was an attempt to run a classic arm of the register which was successful for a couple of years when Nick Ploeg organised it but unfortunately it tipped over when he passed the batten. And for the record I enjoy the printed version, after a 48 hour power cut ( back on at 17.15hrs,) you soon realize that the net has its limitations.steve.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    It's a shame we don't get to see more of the older bikes. I really enjoy my R80GS. I remember Nick's Classic Corner. I hope he'll have the time to start it up again one of these days. I think he quit because of some extra studies he was doing.  It would be great to run some hands on service workshops. You get to know your bike much better if you pick up some tools every now and then. I find the more I do it the less I break and stuff up :-). The last gravel ride option fell flat, I wonder if anyone would turn up for an airhead ride. I'll have to mention it at the next meeting. I have no idea who's got one stashed away.

    Post count: 86

    I certainly wouldn't have any problems helping out with an airhead workshop, but generally some thought as to how the older (rider / airhead pilot) could have their interest in the BMWOR rekindled might not go astray. If anyone on line would like to take on the re opening of the Classic arm of the register it would be interesting to guage the response. Of course they would all want the printed version of the news letter. 😀 😀  😮

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I certainly wouldn't have any problems helping out with an airhead workshop, but generally some thought as to how the older (rider / airhead pilot) could have their interest in the BMWOR rekindled might not go astray. If anyone on line would like to take on the re opening of the Classic arm of the register it would be interesting to guage the response. Of course they would all want the printed version of the news letter. 😀 😀  😮

    I'll mention it at the next meeting, if I don't forget. Who knows there might be interest after all. However, I suspect I could get away with handwritten newsletters. 🙂

    Post count: 400

    I certainly wouldn't have any problems helping out with an airhead workshop, but generally some thought as to how the older (rider / airhead pilot) could have their interest in the BMWOR rekindled might not go astray. If anyone on line would like to take on the re opening of the Classic arm of the register it would be interesting to guage the response. Of course they would all want the printed version of the news letter. 😀 😀  😮

    Maybe some-one should show them how the internet and a printer work then 👿Is there still many airheads out there and in New Zealand? 😐

    Post count: 82

    As a new member I appreciated the hard copy magazines, good reading and can be done as and when time allows.  I understand the need to reduce costs of printing and postage but this can be meet to some degree by people being asked to confirm at the time of renewal if they want hard copy or Pdf –  one or the other.  Certainly agree the sample is very small, only 19 resondents to date.  If you want a bigger sample consider including a questionnaire with the next newsletter. Regards  Warren.

    Post count: 86

    I think there are a lot more airheads out there than most “modern” BMW owners realise, after all they have been made since the 1920's and were comercially imported into NZ from the 1970's. I am currently restoring a 1950 R25, and have 3 other airheads.

    Post count: 2134

    you and me both, Steve.In my garage at this moment, I have five ranging from complete to bare frame, and enough bits on my shelf to build another from scratch.Plus, I'm working on another airhead for a friend.Many of the folk I know of have more than one airhead - they can be addictive!

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