Home Forums General Discussion BMWOR newsletter comes to an end?????

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  • Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I love constructive thinking :-).ย  Just keep in mind that I have no more to say in this than anyone else.

    Post count: 400

    That can also work. ๐Ÿ˜‰You get the members that logged in on the forum, do not vote or post nothing ๐Ÿ˜กBut then you get the group that complains after something has been changed, but had not voiced their opinion before. ๐Ÿ˜The armchair bandits ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

    Post count: 2134

    There are two distinct advantages to the Portable Document File format from a volunteer editor's viewpoint, Alex:1. It's easy; very little work after you go to the aggro of using whatever pagemaker/word processor you use to prepare your newsletter for printing, you just hit the tit on your .pdf creator and it's done. If you want to upload it to the website, you might choose to do a second .pdf print in sections, to keep the downloads smaller.2. If you have some generous benefactors that are paying you for ads, then the ads are included in the .pdf, so they hit both print and electronic readers,oh, and,3. Colour photos.Easy alternatives? A peasant like me could do an .html file with a few bells and whistles, but anything more techo would take (possibly) more brain cells than most bikers have left themselves to use.And I haven't voted, because the poll is not really worded fairly: as several posts have noted, either/or should not be the question. Both options, hard and soft copy should be available as options.

    Post count: 400

    Point number2- Internet only.ย  Is it not soft copy??I thought it was in the poll. ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

    Post count: 2134

    Yes it is, and I could vote for only one of the four choices.I agree with all the others that have made the point they don't want an exclusive one or t'other, but an opt out of receiving the hard copy to save print costs.Poorly worded poll, say I.

    Post count: 400

    So the other option will be……..If I do not want the newsletter are the club then going to reduce my membership fees????I am sure there are some members out there that is asking that question, Say I. ๐Ÿ˜‰Do as every country in the world is doing, if the law does not fit, re-write it.( Constitution )

    Post count: 125

    Maybe I need to clarify a thing or two, the hard copy will never be replaced with electronic copy. However, those that dont read the newsletter ( there are quite a few ) or would prefer to download it from the internet can send an email to the membership sectretary and ask him to cancel their hardcopy. Dont forget name and membership numberDO NOT DO THIS UNTIL YOU ARE ADVISED THE SYSTEM IS WORKING!To download the electronic copy in bulk ( maybe 200 per month ) we will have to pay an increased bandwidth charge, it is not free. There will be no reduction in fees, internet users will pay for our website. I would suggest that if you are a dialup user you continue to get the hardcopy.ย  ๐Ÿ˜†The newsletter is currently published on this site in .pdf format, the photos are in colourย  :-D, and as this is how the Editor sends it to the printer, anything to make his job easier is good. ๐Ÿ™‚More advertisers are welcome and you can see them on the home page, https://www.bmwmc.nz/ they pay $50 / month at the moment. That's all from me, ride heaps, stay safe and keep the sticky side down..... Mr President

    Post count: 400

    Never is a long time ๐Ÿ˜€So if you say that it will never stop then the issue that comes up about costs should seize.They should stop complaining about what it cost to print the letter. But because it is mentioned every time at a meeting something is not right with it. So the powers to be should then fix it and get it to rest ๐Ÿ˜ก

    Post count: 267

    Those who can do, those who cannot, teach (or should that be preach, I am never sure :-D)As a receiver of the newsletter I feel my humble input is worthwhile. I enjoy receiving and reading the newsletter. For me it reaffirms what I belong to, a group of people with a common interest in ugly (oops was that out loud) German Motorcycles. Unfortunatly I do not live in one of the Area,s well serviced by this group and as such dont get to be involved in many club activities. I have neither the time nor energy to alter this so therefore accept what is. This leaves as my main source of contact, THE NEWSLETTER. Ok I have the internet, I have a printer but hey.. I like to get some things in my letterbox at the end of the drive (I paid a lot of money for that thing you know). I read in the last newsletter that a lot of new members failed to renew subscritions to the BMWOR after12 months. The hypothesis put forward was that many joined only to take advantage of cheap insurance offer, possibly, but could it also be that when we join an orginisation we enter a relationship? Like all relationships if our needs are not met…. (hell thats a bit Fruedian, I am starting to scare me :-o) What might be the cost of NOT printing a newsletter?

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    What might be the cost of NOT printing a newsletter?

    We will never know, because nobody wants to stop the printed version. The default will be that you will continue to receive your newsletter as before, unless you choose not to. This no printed newsletter thing is a red herring and a non-issue.From an economic point of view it makes sense to give people the option not to receive a paper version, it also makes good environmental sense not to waste paper when it's not needed. Other than that, most people will never even notice that some people have opted out of receiving a paper version. It is not big deal at all.Tharon has chosen a sensationalist headline for his Poll to a attract attention. Well done Tharon :-).Oh, it's Freudian not Fruedian, sorry it's an occupational habitย  ๐Ÿ˜‰ Please post a picture of your letterbox.Cool to have a discussion about this, if only more people made use of it.

    Post count: 2134

    Then there should be a reduction in the membership cost if you stop recieving news letter. Why is the rides not posted on the web site!!!!!!!!!!! now

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Then there should be a reduction in the membership cost if you stop recieving news letter. Why is the rides not posted on the web site!!!!!!!!!!! now

    Are you having a tantrum? ๐Ÿ™„

    Post count: 267

    OOPS is me Freudian slip showingย  ๐Ÿ˜€

    Post count: 2134

    Then there should be a reduction in the membership cost if you stop recieving news letter. Why is the rides not posted on the web site!!!!!!!!!!! now

    Are you having a tantrum? ๐Ÿ™„

    No tantrum just asking why the rides are not on the web site now. :mrgreen:I don't give a toss about the rest of this rubbish discussed about news letter just wanted to stir it up a bit moreย  ๐Ÿ˜€

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Recently the whole website, including the forum was moved to a different server. As well as that, a different programming system has been used. As a result the admin page was the last item that came back online a week ago. Full functionality was only restored during the last couple of days.On the bright side, the rides have been published in the last two newsletters and they are listed under rides in the forum, as well as on the new ride calendar. Tomorrow's ride to Kawhia is also listed on the homepage under events. I hopeย  you have managed to find the information anyway. ๐Ÿ˜‰Alex

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