Home Forums General Discussion BMWOR newsletter comes to an end?????

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  • 2bjr
    Post count: 400

    So, let's see if the usual voters vote will carry the weight to change above, should it be on the agenda at the AGM 2007. 😕This might highlight concerns of members in their absence at the AGM.  😮This issue was raised again in the latest newsletter, especially the cost. :x.

    Post count: 280

    I think the result on this poll will be skewed.Members who are not registered with this site or don't have internet will not be able to vote for "hardcopy" option!  I unashamedly vote for (B&W) hardcopy.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I agree, the sample group will be too small and skewed. Doesn't stop us from having a poll though. I really like the paper newsletter, it is a lot more user friendly. However, the club is trying to safe money and if we have to print fewer copies we would safe money. I would be happy with an online version for that reason.

    Post count: 286

    What happened to email as an option? I would happily receive an email copy of the newsletter.Wouldn't it be practical to see who would take the newsletter by email / or online and forego the hardcopy. Then you'd reduce the hardcopy count. I suspect that you'd more than halve the hardcopy count.Just a thought. I currently get many newsletters by email. I also find the option more practical.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    We have a core group who is anti internet and insists on a paper version. They don't seem to understand that nobody wants to take this option away. We just want to give people the choice and those who don;t want paper will save the club money. People who want the paper version can continue to receive their newsletter on paper. Apparently it's the thin end of the wedge.

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    The options in the survey are to limiting for me to vote the way I would want to.  However I think it is essential to retain the hard copy.  I also like to be able to access the electronic version and see no reason why we cannot have both.  Those of you who care about the future of the Register will no doubt have your own explanations for our current situation but it is relatively recent. (At the AGM 2005 it was reported that the Register "continues to be in a strong financial position with a balance of $5,036 in the cheque account and term deposits of $20,000") There is no reason why this situation cannot be achieved again with good management and careful budgetting.   Malcolm

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I agree Malcolm. However, the resulting deficit cannot be blamed solely on the current executive. When Graham and I were involved we agreed to spread more money into club activities, as this seemed to the wish of the majority. Most people had questioned the large bank balance.Cheers,Alex

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Alex I would be interested in the details of your “core group”.  Out of say 400 current members how many make up this group?  I think you would be surprised if you were able to accurately assess the feeliings of the wider membership.  In fact I'd ask you to think about your statement from the reverse perspective – is it not a relatively small group who would happily see the hard copy scrapped?  As I have already said in a previous post there needn't be a problem and everyone could have a choice.Malcolm

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    “Most people” “core group”  there you go again Alex, how many members are you talking about here?.Malcolm

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Fair comment Malcolm.  I remember many meetings and at AGMs where the topic had been brought up. In those open forums people stated that they where quite happy to have more money spent on club activities. The silent majority must have stayed very silent. We never heard any complaints regarding the expenditure. It is a matter of balance, prices have gone up over the last few years and the scale has tipped the wrong way too far. By the looks of this it is going to be addressed now. If you have any suggestions you know who to contact. Nobody wants to see the hard copy scrapped. How can you make such a statement? Who wants the hard copy scrapped? Who says people can't have a choice. By core group I am talking about the Auckland section. I am not going to name the Luddites :-). They have as much right to their opinion as I have to mine. That's all you are getting here, my opinion, not a researched paper.Like I have stated before. I like the newsletter and don't want to see the paper version disappear, while at the same time I am happy to receive an email or online version if it helps to save money.

    Post count: 11

    Seems the only bit of information not asked for on the survey is a membership number.  If you were really serious about accurate data you would canvas membership directly, either by hardcopy, electronic or both. 

    Post count: 400

    E-mail the newsletter, past my mind to include in survey 😡What the committee should be doing then, is every year with membership renewal the question should be ask in what format you want the newsletter for that year and then stick to it for the year 😛Every time a meeting is held the issue comes up about the newsletter cost.Why then not increase the members fees to pay for the newsletter or send it to people who wants it,( because they do not have a printer to print of the site. 👿 )

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Seems the only bit of information not asked for on the survey is a membership number.  If you were really serious about accurate data you would canvas membership directly, either by hardcopy, electronic or both. 

    I can see only two options. One is to make the options on new applications available immediately and the second is to make the option available at renewal time. Everybody then gets exactly what they want. If I have understood correctly, the constitution requires a newsletter to be published, but doesn't specify the medium.The question is of course how the electronic version would function. I am not thrilled with the PDF system. I wonder if a password protected area of the website is an option. I suppose it would only work if the info could be cut and pasted into it.Good see a discussion on this.

    Post count: 286

    Alex, here is option 3/ which would start now. You could just include a response form / ad in the newsletter. The response form would basically say.... in the interests of saving trees and money and providing a format that some members want, we're letting members know that they can now receive the newsletter in electronic format. If you would like to do this and not get the hard copy, or get both the electronic copy and the hardcopy please send an email to..... with your membership number etc. (you could also post in but email has the advantage of the recipient being able to accumulate accurate email addresses). One big advantage of the electronic copy is that you could potentially double its size at no cost. This way you could choose electronic and hardcopy, or electronic only or have the status quo remain. Leave the response form / ad in the newsletter each month and put a little counter with the numbers that have gone electronic etc. (For those of us that are curious). I wouldn't expect the newsletter cost to be cheap. I have no need for a hard copy.Lastly how do advertisers feel about the change.

    Post count: 286

    And another thought if you were wanting to generate revenue could you not also attach to this site a list of service product providers on a fee basis similar to an electronic yellow pages.Then you'd have a further source of businesses for us to link into etc. Once again this is just an extension of what is done in the newsletter but making it electronic. Please also include those that provide a discount to BMWOR members.Just a thought.

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