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  • Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Just found this link over on Kiwibiker. Well worth a look if you are into old Gs's. Or is that just me?http://www.historischesarchiv.bmw.de/1/webmill.php?id=158400&ditem=82963&lin=video&foldergroup=irc

    Post count: 2134

    Looks a load of fun. The bikes even sounded like the HP2

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Look a load of fun. The bikes even sounded like the HP2

    True, when I heard it for the first time I thought that I must do something to make the R80GS sound like that. I think that collector box will have to go.

    Post count: 14

    Has anyone found a way to get these in higher resolution?  YouTube tends to provide more and more high-res videos, shame having to watch this pretty footage in blocky mode….Matthias

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I found that during the initial loading the player window appears in a smaller size for a second or two. If you then quickly click on the stop loading button the window will remain in that size for the duration of the clip. It's still pixelated, but it's a lot easier on the eyes.I only recognized Herbert Scheck amongst the riders. Then again, it's hard to miss a guy of his height. I wish I could ride like that for more than a few meters :-).

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