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  • 2bjr
    Post count: 400

    It is time to look at my bike insurance again.Currently with Baker. Any other good insurance out there? What about the other companies that advertice in the magazine?

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    You'll have to ring them up and ask for a quote.

    Post count: 232

    It is time to look at my bike insurance again.Currently with Baker. Any other good insurance out there? What about the other companies that advertice in the magazine?

    Don,t think you can do any better, than John Baker, have all our insurance with them, and never any trouble, with any of the few Claims we have made, over the last 15years or so.  Phil

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Why do you ask Tharon, are you just curious or trying to find a better product?I've been with JB since he started the group schemes.  Always given excellent service insofar as changing my policy when adding, subtracting and particularly when I had two bikes.  As for premiums I think he is fair and gives a good range of options.  Only claimed once but absolutely no problem.  For my money he has been inovative and a forward thinker and I certainly wouldn't change just to save a couple of dollars.  As you can tell I'm a fan and I always look forward to his update at the AGM.  😆Good luck with your search.Malcolm

    Post count: 400

    Hi all.Thank you.  Was thinking about shopping around.  But will chat with them again. 😉

    Post count: 2134

    Hi all.Thank you.  Was thinking about shopping around.  But will chat with them again. 😉

    Why would you be shopping around now. If you are part of the JB BMWOR insurance , this is not due until September.

    Post count: 400

    Mmmmm………. 😀Mine is due in April.

    Post count: 280

    When my last bill came in for JB insurance I checked out another company well know to us (BMWOR) and did some comparisons. While the JB inv oice was a little higher, the add-ons and the benefits made it a better deal. John is loyal to the Register, and for me that counts for a lot."Better the devil you know, than the one you don't know."

    Post count: 2134

    When my last bill came in for JB insurance I checked out another company well know to us (BMWOR) and did some comparisons. While the JB inv oice was a little higher, the add-ons and the benefits made it a better deal. John is loyal to the Register, and for me that counts for a lot."Better the devil you know, than the one you don't know."

    I understand John as sold. I hope there will be no changes.

    Post count: 400

    Good one. Thank you. 😀

    Post count: 6

    Howdy all, fffreeeezing cccccold here in wellington tonight, anyhow my one cents worth just insured with the AA at a competative rate, good luck finding what you need, cheers Bucky.

    Post count: 400

    Hi.Wellington weather down here also. 😡 😡  Thanx.

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